Are You Marketing to the Right Audience?

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Your business exists to solve your customers’ problems. If you can do that effectively and in a unique way, you’re guaranteed to see your business grow and your audience will get the results they are looking for.

However, if you miss the mark, you won’t see the business growth you want. 

So how do you know if you’re marketing to the right people?

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The Foundation of All Good Marketing is a Customer Avatar

Everything revolves around your customer avatar. A customer avatar is a description of a single person who is the ideal target for your marketing.

This is the person for who your product or service is the perfect match. 

Even if you’ve already identified your avatar, remember that it’s a work in progress.

From time to time, you have to look at data and update your avatar to make sure you’re still marketing to the right people in the right way.

Once you have a solid idea of who your customer is, ask yourself, “Does my offering help them to solve a specific problem?”

The best products and services are those that save time, money, or work. 

Customer Feedback Is Key

Another way to tell whether you’re marketing to the right people is to seek customer feedback.

Keep lines of communication with your audience open and interact with them wherever possible to gain an understanding of how they view your company and its services. 

There are many methods for getting feedback from your customers.

You can run surveys on social media, hold focus groups through webinars, interact in social media groups, and reach out to customers individually at key points in the buying cycle.

If you listen well to your audience, they’ll tell you exactly whether your products and services are a good match for them.

Tips on Targeting Your Market

Segment Your Market. You might have different offerings for different categories of audience members. In this case, it might help to segment. You can create two or more customer avatars and market your products accordingly.

Narrow It Down. You may face issues because your avatar is too broad. Don’t be afraid to be specific. The more you can narrow each segment down to one individual, the more focused your marketing will be.

Try Different Channels. You may have the right market but you’re using the wrong channels to reach them. Find out how your audience likes to discover new products and services and where they hang out online. Invest in marketing in these channels.

Your business can’t be all things to all people, nor should it be. Instead, you should focus your energy on only those people who need your product or service. 

Want to learn how to grow your business in easy-to-follow steps? We’ve got a course to help you start tapping into your easiest source for expanding your business.

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zindo+co Staff
zindo+co is a media and edutech company that inspires, educates, and grows entrepreneurs. zindo+co marketplace is for business owners, offering information on marketing, sales, management, technology, the latest trends, and strategies for growing a successful business online.

Every new adventure starts with the first step—and so does every new business. You’ve already taken the first step of your adventure by launching your business, now let’s take the next step together.

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