Zach Ganska

We welcome Zach Ganska, a Certified Personal Trainer & Coach to the show.

During our time together we explored learning to choose to let go of beliefs and habits that held him back, including; obesity, depression, anxiety, and compulsive drinking & gambling, and how all of this affects our businesses.

zach ganska

About Zach

“You’ll never play baseball or run again without surgery.”

Those words, delivered to me from a surgeon, would change my life forever.

I knew my back injury was serious, even not knowing I had officially herniated my L2 disc. With that one sentence though my dream was officially over.

And while I never would have thought this in that moment; it was the greatest blessing I could have been given.

My personal 24 year journey to heal my mind and body lead me to become a certified strength & movement specialist and personalized nutrition coach.

At 42 I continue setting personal bests in absolute strength, health and happiness.

I have learned to choose to let go of beliefs and habits that held me back, including; obesity, depression, anxiety, and compulsive drinking & gambling.

Failure is only a choice, learning and trying again turns failure into temporary defeat, and we must all experience setbacks and temporary defeat to learn how to reach our true potential as the lessons we need are within the obstacles we face.

I believe we are all born with a birthright to live passionate, inspired, altruistic lives, to leave the world wiser and healthier than before we arrive.

The first step, admitting we need help and reaching out to ask is always the hardest obstacle to overcome.

Having been in that position I offer a free no pressure health consult and intro workout to see if we are the right fit to accomplish your goals together.



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Audra Carpenter


Zach Ganska


CJ Carpenter



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Episode Transcript

*What follows is an AI-generated transcript may not be 100% accurate. 


[00:00:00] Zach Ganska: The thing that you sent me. Oh my gosh. I wish all of my clients would do that for me. Oh, just such a great analysis of where you’re at and what you’re working on, because those are the things you are gonna ask your clients anyways. That’s ironic you say that. Cuz on my end it felt woefully inadequate.

[00:00:19] So I was like, no, it’s very good. I was a little frustrated cuz I still do the thing where I try to think things perfect in my head before I just start getting it out. Yeah. So it’s I. next thing I know, I was like, oh my God, we’re doing this thing tomorrow. And I’m throwing this thing together.

[00:00:33] So I’m happy. It’s helpful. Thank you. Okay. So let me tell you a couple things. One. Okay. You are way too hard on yourself. Cut yourself some slack. I keep getting that feedback. So I guess I’m gonna have to believe it. Yeah. everything that you’ve done and the challenges that you’ve ran into, we all have challenges.

[00:00:51] Audra: We all have crap that we’re dealing with on the backside of life. I don’t think that there’s many people that you could talk to today that don’t right, It’s just, it’s. It’s life. It’s what we’re dealing with, but it’s those of us that come through it, And learn from the mistakes and do something different that evolves us into whatever the universe is gonna bring us next, or God, or, your higher power first, Zach, welcome to the show.

[00:01:15] I’m excited to dig into your life and what you’re working on and where your business is at. And then, hopefully you can walk away with some really good action steps and maybe just even another perspective of what business is doing for you right now. So let’s take a few minutes to talk a little bit about, where you’re at in your journey and where you forecasting where you’re headed to.

[00:01:38] Zach Ganska: Okay. That’s awesome. First of all, thanks for having me. it’s really awesome to be able to, talk to people who have, tread the path that I’m trying to learn, how to created, a new result in my life, a new outcome. And, that’s really what my coaching center’s around. I’ve had just like everyone, I feel that grows up in our modern society or modern culture being up with these health problems.

[00:01:58] And, it’s really easy to feel that it’s a personal, thing that you’re deficient for me. I’ve had some labels in my lifetime. So chronically depressed. One time doctor told me bipolar because I didn’t respond well to antidepressants. I was, compulsive gambler and drinker for my, in my twenties.

[00:02:13] alcoholic fits on me if somebody wants to use that paradigm. we have all these experiences and my journey so far has really been that. I feel that we’re all born with a birthright of being, lean, strong, healthy being altruistic creators, really fully expressing ourselves.

[00:02:27] Zach Ganska: And so that’s been my path, which started, unforeseen. I was 19. All I cared about was playing baseball. I was a junior college and I was having back problems and it turned out I had a herniated disc and, ouch. Yeah. And I had a surgeon, look at my MRI. I had to do the MRI where I went in and felt like a casket.

[00:02:40] I had to sit there for 45 minutes. Try not to move, try not to fall asleep. And so I’m just sitting there and, and then I had a surgeon say, you’re need surgery. If you wanna run again or play sports again. do you guys curse on this show otherwise? No, you’re fine. Internally, literally, I was just like, fuck that, like I’m 19 years old, I’m not having back surgery.

[00:02:56] And in my head, I was like, if I to get surgery, I’m gonna have to have physical therapy. So why don’t I just try to rehab and see what happens? And, that literally changed the course of my life and it wasn’t easy. I got depressed coming back to Reno, leading to medications and all that leading to obesity.

[00:03:08] So as I’ve resolved these health things, I’ve tried just about every diet out there besides plant based. And I’ve tried a lot of different movement philosophies, a lot of different meditations, a lot of different mindset, perception, type programs, and type coaching and, paradigms. And it sounds trite, but one of the best pieces of wisdom I can offer people is that ultimately the answer to every single health question is it depends.

[00:03:27] And that’s really what my coaching revolves around is let’s look at what’s going on with the individual. we have this idealistic outcome, we have the individual, let’s see where they meet, rather than trying to do cookie cutter and shove people into programs that their body’s not gonna respond to.

[00:03:40] And, know, that’s one of the biggest problems I see in the health and fitness industry is I think it comes mostly from altruistic good place, but, people will get a result, they’ll lose a lot of body fat or they’ll resolve a problem. And then they get into this belief mindset where everybody needs to be doing this.

[00:03:52] Everybody needs to do keto or everyone needs to do, vegan or everyone needs to do this type of workout and training. And so I’ve really tried to distill from my experiences and, the results that I created that I did and the ones I don’t like, I’ve really tried to distill everything into some first principles that can apply to every single body and, getting client feedback and seeing what happens and basically letting the body dictate what the road is that we need to go down, which I think is super important.

[00:04:18] Audra: Because of everything that you just said, ketos, not for everybody. So I’m celiac. I found out I was celiac about six years ago. Now, prior to that never ate what I want, never had any kind of issues, nothing that would’ve ever taken me down this path of figuring out that I had celiac and I actually found out on accident.

[00:04:38] But what I’ve tried keto and I have to have carbs. It’s not enough for me. I’ve tried vegetarian. I’ve gotta have so much protein because my body already has an absorption issue. so fitting into one of those little boxes just doesn’t work. So I’ve gotta go based on what I could do.

[00:04:58] Audra: if I could find a nutritionist that is specifically for celiac cuz I don’t need night shades and there’s certain things that you stay away from. I don’t do grains if I can help it. It’s there’s so many different moving parts. But that may only work for me.

[00:05:12] Another celiac may be fine having nightshades or grains so it is very individualistic as far as that kind of stuff goes. But with that said, it’s very hard to scale a business offering that kind of service for sure.

[00:05:28] Zach Ganska: Yeah. And, yeah, that is somewhere the challenge. And, going back to your example, you raised some great points, know, ultimately it’s, to me, it comes down to cost and benefits, right?

[00:05:37] So it’s you’ve done all this exploration with your diet and now you’re pretty well attuned to it might be pleasurable to eat this, but what are the consequences? So maybe, and then. Like in, in my paradigm, that’s what freedom is. If I understand the cost and I understand the benefits, then I’m making conscious decisions.

[00:05:52] So for me, I’m also, I’m very sensitive to grains. I’m not celiac, but they, make me congested. They make me bloated. Like literally I’ve had a bowl of pasta and the next day I’ll be six pounds heavier just from the walking and everything. Yeah. there’s physio, it’s not, it’s funny cuz you get into certain circles, like you’ve probably seen and people say that’s all in your head and so ridiculous.

[00:06:09] It would be nice if we just all could magically eat all this delicious stuff that we want to, but so then it’s okay, that thing affects me that way. Maybe there’s a version of it I can have that gives me most the pleasure and not so many consequences or very little, or, maybe I say, screw it a couple times and I do eat that thing.

[00:06:25] And I deal with the after effects, and obviously for someone like you, celiac, who goes on, so you don’t have that. Some of that flexibility, there’s a lot of people, for example, right now, thriving on a carnivorous diet because they have autoimmune disorders and they refine that, removing all plant-based materials,which people don’t understand, but plants are excreting toxins.

[00:06:42] Audra: They don’t wanna be eaten. plant it’s like animals don’t wanna be eaten. That’s why they have claws or they’re fast or whatever. Don’t wanna be in either. So it’s really weird that, Really endorse some of these ideas, now you see autoimmune conditions clearing up and carnivorous eating, so yeah. So I applaud you for all the steps you’ve taken and,and you just, now it’s just working on ratios and then like you said, if, if eventually you want some tomatoes and maybe they make you a little extra gassy, you’re tired. I guess if it’s really that delicious go for it, I don’t want this to be a conversation about celiac or nutrition, but right. it’s super challenging and what, if I wouldn’t have gone in, I was actually started having a little pain beside my belly button. Oh, wow. Yeah. So I take iron because I’ve been anemic forever and I Teeter, so I don’t take it all the time.

[00:07:26] Maybe it gets really low. I take it for a few weeks and we’re back up again. But I was taking iron and I thought that the iron was causing me to have an ulcer. So I went to the doctor and I said, look, I think it’s too strong. It’s like eating a hole in my stomach or something. And she’s you’re old enough.

[00:07:43] Why don’t we just check everything out? So I had a endoscopy done and a colonoscopy. The doctor’s you’re perfect. He says, you must have a really good diet. I said, I do. I very healthy cup of steel, cut oatmeal for breakfast, with dry wheat toast, protein for lunch. I haven’t had fast food in probably 20 or 30 years, but wow.

[00:08:04] Yeah. I was eating a ton of wheat, a ton of grains. and he says nothing going on, but you have this weird texture to your small intestine. And so we biopsied it. Oh, I’m like, God, what does that mean? He says, do you have anybody in your family with celiac? I’m like, I don’t even know what that is. he said, we’re seeing it very prominently right now with people of Irish descent.

[00:08:28] Huh? Interesting. For some reason it’s really affecting that group of people more. so now the way they test is they biopsy you’re small intestine and then there’s actually blood tests out that they could do where you go in and they do a wheat panel and a gluten panel. Okay.

[00:08:43] And so your, these numbers are out of the sky, but say your wheat should be like 40 or 50. Mine was like 480. Wow. Because my body just, I was on overload. Yeah. That’s significant. And it was just stupid. So I said, okay, what do I do? And he says, find a nutrition and only eat on the outside of the store.

[00:09:04] Yeah, exactly good luck. And I’m like, wait, what? , what do you mean? Good luck. What am I supposed to do now? So very overwhelming to get started, but,you first you go buy all the gluten free food, you get your hands on, but then you read the ingredients and they’re like, oh, okay. They just took the gluten out, but they put all other shit in it.

[00:09:22] That’s gonna cause you cancer and this and this. And I’m like, okay, so you can’t really eat any of that. Just, it’s a process. So anybody going through it, God bless you. Cuz it’s not easy. It’s just not. Yeah, definitely not just grow a business. No. All, so let’s talk about that though.

[00:09:40] That is exciting for me. So yeah. Good based about it. I know, based on what you, I’m gonna pull up your email here on my iPad. Cause there were some things and that I wanted to share. On there. okay. So I guess first one, while I’m pulling this up, tell me a little bit, where are you headed? What do you wanna do?

[00:10:02] you’ve heard it a hundred times. What do you want your day to look like? Yeah. like I said, the notes,I really enjoy working with people in person, especially like small groups of people. I’ve coached, larger class sizes. I close smaller. I just like when you have a small knit community who are all trying to improve themselves, it just creates a nice little energy.

[00:10:18] whether it’s like the reasons we go to, business events and conferences and everything else is you just get that, charge being around people that are all aimed, with the same intent in, trying to prove themselves. So I really do enjoy in coach, in person or coaching in person.

[00:10:31] Zach Ganska: I’ve seen the trends over the year, especially with COVID and everything. And I know that scalability wise that’s a limited model and that model keeps eroding for a variety of reasons we don’t need to get into right now, the fitness business metrics probably won’t, interest many people, but I’ve really seen that, that to have the biggest impact that I want have, and to help as many people, that I wanna help, like I need to be able to scale it.

[00:10:52] So I know that there’s going to be the need to go more online based. I’ve been resistant to that emotionally for a lot of reasons. One is just, I’m traditionally trained in some very good certification systems, one being strong for, and then I went to, did some postgraduate work on movement and everything, and really the hard part with learning online, especially movement based activities is the learning curve is just increased.

[00:11:14] It’s if I check in with you once a week or whatever, and I see you move once a week, you may have done something three times. You may have been practicing a different lift or a different movement. You may have a, non-optimal kind of, habit ingrained in that. So it’s just nice being in person with people cause you give that immediate feedback.

[00:11:32] And honestly, a lot of, I would say most of resistance to doing more scalable, wider range, programming for people is just a personal paradigm thing that, that I’m shifting. and, it’s funny cuz I guess it comes down to a sense of perfectionism really. And when we look at the health metrics of our country, we don’t need perfect programs.

[00:11:49] I’m very confident with my coaching style and the things that I can create in people. but we also need to get that out to as many people as possible and really show people that, you don’t need to join a big gym and go there three to five days a week for hours on end.

[00:12:02] It doesn’t work, especially when you have kids, when you’re an entrepreneur like yourself, when you’re traveling, very few people have that time and that lifestyle to be able to do that, let alone wanna do it. So really then it comes down to how do I get somebody really strong, lean, flexible, so they can do all the different activities they want without fear here and, being competent in them.

[00:12:22] But also how does that boost their family? How does it boost their business? So that’s really the model that I’m drifting more towards is trying to, help people optimize that routine. But then like you just said, not do it in a one-to-one environment, but how can I create, so like my new challenge that I’m putting together, the final touches on basically walking a group of people

[00:12:41] through that, but their outcomes might look different. You might have somebody training 20 minutes a day versus somebody training 30 minutes a day, versus some people might only be able to honestly get three sessions in a week. So it’s really looking at that lifestyle and what enhances the overall lifestyle, not detracting from it.

[00:12:54] So online base is the only way to eventually scale to, have the impact that I think that I wanna make or that I know I wanna make, I should say that, you wanna make,

[00:13:04] Audra: so have you gone down the rabbit hole of all of Alex Hormozi stuff? no, I haven’t followed him. I haven’t followed Gym Launch really closely.

[00:13:11] I believe Gym Launch was his first program. He developed, I could be wrong about that, but I believe that was his first business, honestly, at the time. it got great results for a lot of people. the style you had to have a little bit of capital get in that program up front.

[00:13:23] I wasn’t quite at that level. I knew people that jumped in. In there, they got really good results. So that is a good system for people to use. It does entail a lot of ad spend and it does entail a lot of, there’s a good chunk of change involved in getting that up and running.

[00:13:36] I listened to some of the book, I don’t know so much about, I guess I’m not recommending to look at his program more just, his book was actually really good. Okay. you can get it on Amazon for 99 cents, I think. Oh, that’s, I think it’s a hundred million sales or something like that hundred million in sales.

[00:13:55] Oh, nice. Yeah. Something to do with that, but he’s got some really good principles just from a business perspective, not even so relevant to a gym, it, that’s what made me think of it because his story, his background is a gym. You either have a brick and mortar where you’re gonna fill it up based on membership or you’re going to do something online is really the only two models as far as trying to scale some kind of physical fitness. how do you deliver it?

[00:14:17] are your plans for an app or for just a membership site or what does that look like?

[00:14:24] Zach Ganska: The primary way that I deliver the training is via an app. So there’s, a service out there called train heroic that I, as a coach I up for. So I have my account with them. However, what’s really cool is they let me upload my own videos.

[00:14:36] So every single video I deliver to people has, borderline, it’s covering all these different coaching points, much more in depth, and you’re gonna find on most YouTube channels. So I’m building my YouTube channel. I take those videos. I put ’em into the app and then the app itself, I’ll have to send you a picture, but it’s basically shows you everything you need to do that day.

[00:14:54] It walks you through step by step. It shows you all the prep movements, which we test and modify based on the individual body. And then you go into the main training and then, if there’s cardio based stuff, that’ll be towards the end. but yeah, so most of the training is delivered on that app.

[00:15:05] I’m also currently growing a community on the mighty networks app, which is basically it’s I would just it’s a social media platform.

[00:15:11] It’s like a Facebook, but it’s a private, community where you have, total control over who comes in, who goes out and most importantly the data is secured. they’re not looking at your post. They’re not trying to develop the, avatars like Facebook is doing to deliver ads and whatnot.

[00:15:25] So it’s a lot more private. so when people are talking about, health type stuff, I felt that environment would be a better fit overall. plus I’m in a community myself. There’s a really good health expert, Rob Wolf. He has a great community on there called healthy rebellion that I’ve been in.

[00:15:37] Yeah. yeah, so it’s, he’s awesome. He is. Yeah. for anybody that, like honestly to this day, I’ve read so many books and done so many things over the last 20 years for health and, he’s usually my litmus test for . It’s he’s legit. Yeah. There’s a debate going on because he’s been, very professional.

[00:15:54] He’s had some financial opportunities. I’ve seen him pass over because he didn’t believe in certain products and whatnot. So as far as walking the walk, yeah. There’s not many people with as much integrity as Rob for sure. And he got me into jujitsu. I’m grateful for that. got you where into Brazilian jujitsu.

[00:16:09] Audra: Oh, nice. Nice. Yeah. Nice. That’s awesome. Yeah, definitely a reputable guy. If you’re gonna follow in that industry, I had a client that launched a keto protein supplement and at the keto event in Texas, we spent some time with Rob. Yeah. Very, I don’t personally know him, but you know what an awesome person he is.

[00:16:32] Zach Ganska: Yeah. And that’s somebody again, he’s had to just you talked about your story with your nutrition. Yeah. Same thing. He was hardcore vegetarian, even vegan at one point macro based and just getting sicker and sicker. So yeah. he’s somebody that helped buy everything in order to figure out his personal health.

[00:16:46] So he’s done. Whole 30, Start with that. that’s a good start. Yeah, for sure. People do. Yeah. Yep. All right. so you’ve got the app. What do you charge for the app? so that’s what I’m figuring out right out. Because in the past, the only people I’ve had on my app have been like the in-person clients.

[00:17:02] I’ve had a couple distance clients, but it’s been a higher end service. I’ve had packages that range everywhere from, $333 a month up to a thousand dollars a month, depending on the number of days what they’re getting. Yeah. What they’re getting, how much, one to one time they want, are you training in person versus are you virtual?

[00:17:18] so now we’re looking at different price points. I’ve gone and looked at different successful programs that have been online, looking at what their price point is. really, to me, it comes down to how much coaching interaction are you getting, how much community you’re getting. Cause those are gonna be the things that make you stick with the program, ultimately as well as how well the, program fits your life.

[00:17:35] Zach Ganska: I’m not a hundred percent clear on what my next launch is gonna be, but when I do launch a broader product, it’s gonna be at the lowest price point that I’ve ever had, just cuz it’ll be more, people walking through videos, learning, nutrition, learning how to refine movements, having checklists and that way I’m delivering them information.

[00:17:51] I’m seeing what they’re doing, but then, they’re modifying things on their own, as they go with feedback. okay. Yeah. I don’t have the exact next price point, but my in person coaching has ranged from 500 to a thousand. most of the time.

[00:18:01] Audra: Okay. the reason I ask is sure. I think when it comes to a fitness program, regardless if you are in an app or just online or in a Facebook group, , there’s gotta be other components that you tie to it.

[00:18:13] and we all know that, It’s mind, body spirit type stuff. You’ve gotta get each one of these pieces working together. So yes, with the fitness part, you just mentioned that you’re gonna tie in the nutrition so you’re gonna give them what recipes or, yeah.

[00:18:27] Zach Ganska: So the standard nutrition, like you mentioned told 30 and, that’s a great approach starting out with, what, it’s funny, paleo gets such a bad rap because people go, that’s not how Paleo people are eating.

[00:18:36] It’s a very short form way of saying what happens if we remove all the crap from your diet, that’s probably causing the problems. So that’s just too long of a praise. So let’s just call it paleo. So I have an AI nutrition program

[00:18:47] that quickly generates a personalized report. And it’s really fun because one of the things I love about it is that,there’s a couple things. Number one, it shows you how to track everything with your hand. So if you’re not an app person and you don’t wanna stress over calories and everything, it literally shows you how to create meals, how to track protein, carbs, vegetables, just using your hand.

[00:19:03] nice. You always have your hand with you. If you don’t, you’re really not worried about nutrition. That moment bigger problem, right? but then number two is it really gets out of this good, bad paradigm, cuz so much nutrition is still, bad food, good food. And just real quick as a tangent. The problem with that is that if you’re operating in there, as soon as you eat the bad food, what kind of person eats bad food and bad person right away?

[00:19:26] Zach Ganska: There’s yeah, theres guilt shame, or you’re just, all you’re doing is festering and you’re growing more of the triggers. That’s gonna lead you to eat that again. So it breaks down, it goes into eat more, eat some, eat less, and it really to show you, oh, that’s good. Yeah, absolutely. and again, caveat someone with celiac autoimmune, some of those eat less things might be eat none.

[00:19:46] So that’s just the way the world, you know what, we’re trying to cast a big net here and helping as many as we can. So eat more, eat some, eat less with your ratios, work on getting that protein up. really I’m really a stickler on protein. if somebody wants to make one change, start eating a lot more protein, you really cannot overeat it.

[00:20:02] and it’s be far more satiating and it’s gonna, find balance, but, so we have the training, we have the nutrition. We’re personalizing both as we go with feedback based on how the body’s responding, the community element’s huge. People don’t realize, but a lot of the resistance to change is, some people call it the tall poppy syndrome or whatever, but when we’re trying to do something and we’re breaking away from family traditions or people around us, there’s reasons that all of us are, continuing to fall back into patterns.

[00:20:29] Zach Ganska: And number one is the environment around us is not, we didn’t create this society or this culture about how we make the healthiest people. And we’re doing the best we can. Everything’s changing. That’s awesome. you drive down the street, I’m in Reno, Nevada, 24 hour town, anytime of day.

[00:20:42] I want, I can find some junk food. if I want Chinese food or whatever, there’s gonna be an. For that. how do we navigate that? that’s a huge part of the community aspect where now you’re with people, even if it is virtually, you’re starting to get this place where you can get, some connection, looking at sleep is huge.

[00:20:56] I, myself, just to sleep apnea test, I’m really pissed about it, but it’s looks like it’s gonna be one of my missing things that’s really been bothering me for over eight years is sleep problems. So that’s another pillar. And then, lastly is whatever you wanna call it, mindset, motivation, perception.

[00:21:11] it’s really what reality are you choosing to create habitually? so there’s internal, external behaviors and, that needs to be addressed because there’s reasons that people are unwilling to give up certain things and, I’ve had to learn that the hard way having to completely give up alcohol and some other behaviors.

[00:21:23] Audra: there’s reasons we make those connections. And so we have to, have the right, tools and the right systems in place in order to, just let those things go that we know are not serving us. So a couple things, it’d be interesting. You’ve heard of companies like Viome right.

[00:21:37] Or Everly via off the top of my head, I don’t recommend no, that sounds familiar, but I could not say what they do. I think it’s EveryWell and Viome, and there’s a handful of other companies out there. What they do is they, show you what foods you should not be eating. Oh, okay. Yeah. Yeah. So they test you on which foods that are causing inflamation in your body.

[00:22:00] Yeah. Yeah. And to help you pick which foods are good for you, that aren’t causing issues and which foods are bad. It’d be interesting. If you took a figure out charge a little bit more work with the company, see if you could get some of their tests at retail price yeah. Or at wholesale price and offer it to your people.

[00:22:19] So as you’re starting to create meals for them, remember a lot of people, unless they’re actually having some kind of physical issue. They have no idea that their body’s having this internal war inside. Oh, for sure. Yeah. Somebody inflamed. It’s just normal. It’s just, oh my general state. That’s what I know.

[00:22:35] They don’t realize achy joints and tight muscle doesn’t have to be there. Sure. So if, but if you tied that into your whole wellness program, you’re saying, okay, so we’re gonna, find the right workout for you for your body type, but we’re also gonna look at what kind of food you should be eating.

[00:22:50] Then we can make some recommendations of, this is the list for you. You have a list they go through and they pick off the things that the test tells ’em that they’re not supposed to eat. and then they’re able to create meals from it , cuz I’ve done a lot of fitness, I used to be quite a runner.

[00:23:04] I broke my ankle two months ago, so I’m not doing much right now, but yeah, prior to that, I ran quite a bit and same thing. I chalked up achy joints. I have no, no injuries or anything like that, but really achy joints, something chalked it up to running on concrete or just my age. My eyes got really dry.

[00:23:24] Audra: I chalked it up to having LASIK. you go through. Ways cuz it’s not something that just hits you out of the blue, It’s something that gradually happens over time. Yeah. So like I said, I, would’ve not caught it and who knows how many more years I would’ve gone on eating that same way that I thought was so healthy

[00:23:42] for my body though it wasn’t. So just to wrap that up, that’d be great to offer something like that. Like I said, roll it into the price. It’s something that nobody else is doing. And it goes back to what you said of really creating an individual, program for each person, even though they’re part of a community.

[00:24:01] Zach Ganska: Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, no, that’s a great resource and I’m definitely gonna look at both those programs and see which one I, you know, looks like it’s getting the best results. Yeah. the other thing I’ve done too off and on is, and I’ve talked to him and this might become a standard thing. like we were just talking about a feature to offer in the program, but, there’s a really good DO in town, which for people don’t know, it’s like basically a medical doctor, but they’re natural focused and they’re more systemic than, like a pill for every ill type focus.

[00:24:24] but he does great. It’s a really awesome service where if I’m working with somebody and I know they need blood work, I can send them to him. And then he’s able to request specialized tests and everything at, the best rates that he can offer. And then, looking at minimal intervention solutions for, maybe there is a need for a supplement, maybe something is low, but ultimately trying to address as much as possible, naturally through diet and sleep and exercise.

[00:24:47] there might be that issue kinda like you were talking about with the iron where, you might be doing everything right. And. the bio availability, which means absorption, you just might not be absorbing enough and you might need that extra little nutrient, boost.

[00:24:57] Audra: There’s another company I done, so much research in this . Yeah. That’s awesome. Even though I don’t do it for a living, it’s still been for my own personal health. There’s another company called vessel.

[00:25:07] Yeah. And what they do is you actually buy, a pack of strips. Okay. You, what you do is you use your morning urine and it tells you what vitamins are high, which vitamins are low. if your body’s got too much cortisol in it, if you need calcium, it goes through it, it has this little strip on it, and then it connects through an.

[00:25:31] And it tells you where you’re at. And, the, I think the thing I like about it is once you go on a supplement for a little while, so say it tells you your calcium is low. Sure. So you up your calcium for a little while, and then you check it maybe a month later and see if it’s starting to correct itself based on the supplement.

[00:25:49] If it’s not, then you know, something else is going on, if it does, then you know that you were on the right path and you didn’t have to go get blood work to tell you that some of these supplements or some of these vitamins and minerals are outta whack in your system. Oh, very cool. Yeah. Yeah. They came out about a year, maybe two years ago.

[00:26:07] They’ve been out a couple years now. super cool though. so I did one, you buy, like I said, in a pack and so my iron was low. I had too much cortisol in my body, which meant I was not dealing with stressed very well. My body was just. Too much, he’s stir up every time. But

[00:26:27] it gives you good feedback in lieu of having to go get blood work every three months or every six months. That’s awesome. Definitely more affordable.

[00:26:34] Zach Ganska: There’s some really innovative companies. It’s gonna be interesting to see over the years, cuz you know,

[00:26:37] it’s like they’re all competing right now to see which approach and which methods are gonna win out in the end. Yeah. my wife has used a great program called euphoria, which is like personalized supplementation where nice kind of the same thing. the doctor, I mentioned did some bunch of testing on her and then, they actually build the supplement around her, but then she’s getting individualized pills in

[00:26:56] a container. Yeah. It’s you know, cuz people don’t realize that, that it’s if you put one thing in your body, everything in nature comes in packets. You’re not just getting pure calcium. You need magnesium, you vitamin D D three, right? You need things with.

[00:27:07] So it really, so many of these supplements that people are just grabbing off the shelves, sadly it’s like, it might be, maybe it’s giving you more of something, but maybe it’s throwing something else outta whack. So like you said, it’s really important to start standardizing it so you can actually see and really clearly see the objectively, what result is being created rather than just casually trying to throw a bunch of stuff in there.

[00:27:28] That’s cool. That’s great. Yeah. Worth checking out. okay. So just so people listening, know what I’m looking at. Zach sent me an email kind of, oh, giving me an overall of where he is been, where he is going. Some of the successes he’s having in business.

[00:27:42] Audra: And then also some of the opportunities that are showing up giving me data as far as what’s happening with his social media profile and his marketing efforts and his website. And I have to tell you, I wish my clients would do something like this for me ahead of time. So typically what I have to do is I have to go out and I have to look at anything and everything I can find about them online and then make my own assumptions based on what I’m seeing.

[00:28:09] And then I talk to them and say, okay, so how much of this? So this is what I’m perceiving. which also means this is what your customers are perceiving. right now, tell me what you’re actually doing. So we can figure out how to make it meet in the middle. So it’s more effective. Awesome. You did bring up the point about your website and I agree it does need to be updated a little bit.

[00:28:29] your blog post last time you were on, there was 2018. That’s a problem. yes. So I got a, but I got a little tip for you. Okay. you can go to Fiverr F I V E R R. You can do a search for nutritional based recipes. you could pick a topic, keto, carnivore, paleo, whatever vegetarian. So the cool thing is recipes are not copyrightable.

[00:28:57] Audra: Okay. Because the ingredients are the ingredients. Okay. So nobody can own a recipe. Oh, interesting. Okay. So I’ve had a couple clients, like I said, in the nutrition space. So what I did was I could go to Fiverr for 10 bucks or 20, I could buy a hundred recipes. So what I did with these recipes is the client went through ’em and found the ones that the ingredients were, things that resonated with him and what he wanted his program to be about.

[00:29:26] We wrote a new intro. We got a nice picture from Unsplash or from anywhere on one of these free sites. Yep. I used some of those and that recipe now becomes your recipe that you can start using as consistent blog content for your website. Okay. Very awesome. Thank you. Okay. So I would definitely find some, like I said, you can go find any recipe online.

[00:29:52] The ingredients are the ingredients cooking at 350 degrees is cooking at 350 degrees. Nobody can own any of that kind of stuff. It’s the way it is, where you would run into trouble of using some other website is how they introduce it or what they talk about it. this dessert is so delicious. Have it on your porch with your family and friends, like you can’t use that kind of copy.

[00:30:16] I see. But the actual ingredients of step one, put in an egg step two, put in the oil. absolutely all that is fair game. Okay, cool. Yeah. In the past I’ve found some great recipes from other people. And I usually just say, Hey, this is it. cuz you just talk about like you have to modify some things.

[00:30:31] So yeah. Generally every recipe I find I’m bumping up the protein and so it’s I’ll just do it, little I’ll just attribute it. Hey, I read this person’s blog and I’ve turned it into this. So usually you can do that as well, just for a back link. Yeah. And you can do that as well.

[00:30:47] I was just talking about time and speed. Oh yeah, no, that’s great. Try to get something up quickly. Very affordable. I mean you can find copywriters to write you a quick intro and out once you get the recipe set and again, popping somebody on Fiverr or putting out on any of the groups in Facebook, you can find somebody that won’t cost you much.

[00:31:06] Zach Ganska: Awesome. Yeah, I’m definitely good at Fiverr. And I’m gonna look at that. Cause that’s a that’s I didn’t know they offered that kind of service I’ve, done some logo stuff and everything on there, but I didn’t know. You could. That’s awesome. Yeah, I got, I had somebody write a introduction guide to eating gluten free.

[00:31:20] Audra: Oh, nice. And then I bought, probably three different sets of recipes from different people. Like I said, couple for clients and then one for myself. I own a few domain names in the gluten free space. So I was gonna launch that and took me to another path that’s after I finished what I’m working on now.

[00:31:37] Nice. But, the Facebook is looking at that looking now I didn’t get to go to your YouTube channel yet. That’s so I do wanna look at that. so you’ve got an email list. What prevents you from getting an email out to them at least once, or I wouldn’t say, I’d say once a week, but what is preventing you making it happen?

[00:31:59] Zach Ganska: Just, the whole, all the excuses that, that all of us entrepreneurs use, what am I gonna say? what’s the right thing to say this time and,full transparency, like something I touched on in our initial call and in that thing, I oversend, you is I’m still working on myself.

[00:32:12] So I, myself am in a phase right now where I’m leaning back out. I’ve been carrying some extra body weight on me,parenting trying to be a business person, all that kind of stuff. again, same excuses everybody has. But, literally for me, there’s been this component of I’m out of integrity.

[00:32:26] So I haven’t earned the right to talk about these things yet. And I need to hit these certain criteria. Now that being said, I’ve done the sliding goal post on myself, my entire life. So for a while, I was like, when I went through the strong for system, I’m not strong enough, I need to hit these strength metrics.

[00:32:38] then it was like, my body needs to look this way. And it’s I’ve never been like a power lifter or a professional bodybuilder. So in, in the, and I think in the fitness space, there’s a lot, a lot of it is aesthetics, and yeah, there’s days I’ll be grouchy where I’ll see, a female write something that, I don’t think is very good content, but it gets all this traction.

[00:32:55] Zach Ganska: And, so it’s it’s just that internal struggle really that’s been that’s really, I that’s the only thing that, that holds me back there’s I can’t even with kids, even with all the other things I have going on my life, there’s no reason I can’t send out an email, like no rational reason.

[00:33:07] Audra: It’s all just bullshit. Okay. So because you called yourself out on it, then we all one, we all run into that. I don’t care how big your company is when you are smaller. Meaning I don’t, you don’t have a staff of 10 that you can just say, Hey, your job is to send the email every month, go right.

[00:33:26] And take it off your plate, which is definitely not everybody. What I think happens when it comes to all this stuff for marketing, we overthink it. Yeah, for sure. We so overthink it because the imposter syndrome, the who cares, who would wanna read this anyways?

[00:33:46] Or why bother cuz nobody’s gonna open it. But you told me you had decent open rates. but I think, borrowing all these things that comes into place. It’s our own crap that stops us period. For sure, because when it comes to marketing, especially online, I can automate, or I can create systems for probably 80% of what we need to do as business owners.

[00:34:07] the other 20% is where we should be focusing in like our zone of genius. The only thing, the way we talk to our people, the messaging, the relationships, the things that we’re doing to build the business, you can’t automate right. So this is what I do with clients

[00:34:23] Audra: when they get into that place of overwhelm, I haven’t sent an email and I didn’t put up any social media and wait, I didn’t do a video this week. And what am I promoting to begin with? Nobody’s gonna buy this stuff. None of this stuff even exists right now. we all play that stupid record.

[00:34:38] you gotta remove that. You gotta remove the emotion out of it and say, okay,I sit down with a piece of paper that has four weeks on it. Okay. Especially for social media or, and for email marketing and for blogging. And I say, okay, week one, what am I gonna talk about? I’m gonna talk about leg exercises.

[00:34:59] two. I’m gonna talk about back exercises week three. I’m gonna talk about nutrition. No week three. I’m gonna talk about protein and how it ties to nutrition and then week four. I’m gonna do, ask me anything. And I’m gonna talk about some of the frequently asked questions that my community asks me.

[00:35:18] Audra: Okay. Okay. Then I take each one of those weeks and I map out. Okay. So I’m talking about leg exercises. how not to get hurt, how you’re gonna get hurt, how to build muscle versus build strength, what are the best exercises you can do from home? Okay. And then, how to use cattle bells. I just came up with five topics.

[00:35:42] So I decided what those were. I just mapped them all out. And then I go and I create the content for it. It could be a blog post. It could just be a meme with something funny. It could be a video where I’m showing you a quick exercise and then I schedule it and I’m done. Nice. Yeah. Yeah. I don’t have to make any more decisions cuz I already created all my content.

[00:36:03] There’s no more overwhelmed. There’s no more getting stuck in the weeds. I don’t need to think about it anymore. I’ve removed the emotion out of it. And now I’m just doing tasks. It’s easy now I just, I already made the commitment. I’ve already made the decision of what it’s gonna be about. I don’t need to think about it again and now I’m just getting the work done, getting it scheduled so I can actually focus on something else.

[00:36:28] Audra: OK. Yeah. Makes no sense. Yeah.      But I think what happens is there’s so much, and we’re so bombarded with what everybody else is doing online. Yeah. Our whole day is how do we compete in that space? And that’s really the wrong way to look at running a business online. , it’s    another marketing channel, that’s it?

[00:36:49] Okay. there’s 17 others besides social media. Wow. But you don’t hear about it and people aren’t talking about it, what’s happening on   the website. Where’s your funnels. Are you doing print? Are you doing local network marketing? Are you, there’s so many other things that we need to focus on, but social media seems to just drowned us.

[00:37:12] Yeah, for sure. Okay. And then, you know what your email is a Roundup of what those five things that you just talked about. Nice. So it’s one email. And then you say Monday, we talked about, you don’t just say Monday, but right. Here’s a great article on leg exercises. Here’s my video about talking about protein.

[00:37:32] This is what we learned about blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And with links linking out to that content you already created. and now you just send your email once a week. It’s done. You don’t have to say anything else in it. Okay. I love it. Yeah. Yep. Easy. It’s very easy. Yeah. Again, we all get in our own way and you’re not alone in this.

[00:37:54] Even I still do it and I do this for a living, but when it comes to my own stuff, I drowned okay. So you said what you think you need to do daily post on Facebook, make a short video, add friends, socialize and then message new friends. I would say you can remove three of those because you’re gonna batch create your content.

[00:38:18] Okay. So when you mapped out your week, I want you to sit down, probably take you two to three hours to create that content, depending on how far in depth you’re gonna go. Okay. do you use Canva or how do you do graphics? Yeah, I’ve used Pic Monkey and Canva.

[00:38:33] Okay. I’ve usually resort to Pic Monkey a little bit morejust cuz it’s got an app, but also, I don’t know, for some reason, just the way it works. My brain just uses it better than Canva. Canva always been a little annoying for me. I’m not sure why okay. no. That’s fine. Whatever tool works for you.

[00:38:50] That’s what you should use. The only reason why I brought up Canva is because they have a scheduler in there now. Oh, okay. Yeah. My has a, a membership there. So I’ll definitely look at that. So you create your content. So you, if you still create and Pic Monkey, that’s fine. You can still use the scheduler.

[00:39:07] Okay. But again, we’re looking for automation. Yeah. And we’re looking for, closing the loop on getting this process done. Okay. So you decided your topics, you created the content for it, then you drag it into Canva. If you’ve got that for, pro membership, you can use the calendar for free. Okay.

[00:39:26] Zach Ganska: And then it goes out to your social media. So out of those, You need to add friends and socialize. Sorry, just for clarity. I guess I totally grasp it. So Canva’s actually posting it like Hootsuite and those other ones do. Yes. Do you know, does I? Okay, so this is an interesting topic because now I’m not, again, I’m not making do not to do it.

[00:39:46] I’ve in other programs and other people I followed, they say that once you start using Hootsuite and outside third party platforms, something like Facebook, isn’t going to, it’s not gonna favor as much in the algorithm. Correct. When it first started happening, because you think about these platforms they’re free.

[00:40:03] Audra: Yeah. And they want you to live on them. The more time you spend on ’em the more reach your content gets. Yeah. It’s better that you post consistently then worry about Facebook cutting you from 3% to 2%. You’re not your stuff’s not getting reach right now as it is. And the other thing you can do is if you want to post native in Facebook and Instagram use creator studio, so Facebook has their own calendar, their own place for you to create designs.

[00:40:34] It’s free to all of us, all that. Yeah. It’s called creator studio. Okay. And you attach your Facebook, page to it and your Instagram and you post right from there. Okay. And then you could use Canva for LinkedIn or for, TikTok. Wait, I don’t think you could do TikTok yet, but, between the, those two tools you’ve got everything covered for right now.

[00:40:57] Oh, that’s awesome. Yeah. I’m gonna look at that today. Okay. Thank you. Okay. Yeah. Cool. Yeah. Yeah. as far as reach, it is what it is. They it’s a pay to play place right now. It’s unfortunate, but it also goes back to you’re not really trying to create a global brand. You’re just trying to serve a good audience that still allows you freedom and family and time so you will be able to do that.

[00:41:19] Now. I wrote an article yesterday about online education and since COVID, it was already on the path headed up, From like a hundred billion industry to a 400 billion industry. Yeah. but with COVID hitting and forcing everybody to stay home and start learning online.

[00:41:40] It’s actually sped that up. Wow. And so the industry is growing much faster than what they anticipated it to do. good and bad side of that. Good. Because it opens up opportunity for so many people that wanna create content online, bad, because now the competition is even tougher. Yeah. But if, what, I guess what the goal would be to walk away with this is get something consistent.

[00:42:03] Yeah. Where you’ve got a routine. Okay. Every Saturday from nine to one o’clock I sit down, I create my content. I batch create it and I’m done for the week. I get it all scheduled. And then the only thing I’m doing is going into engage to have new conversations and to respond if somebody says something about the content I posted.

[00:42:23] Yep. That’s awesome. That’s it. Thank you. And then that takes care of the social media stuff. Now, mighty networks is a great platform. I’m actually in some groups inside there. it does what it’s supposed to do. , don’t know what their price point is. me to host of mighty network.

[00:42:39] Zach Ganska: Yeah. It’s 97 a month. That’s a little expensive, but, does, but this is your paid members that get access to this, right? Yeah, I was. Yeah, because I had other people that I was learning from and they were talking about using Kajabi and all these other platforms and just my experience with those, I just found mighty networks to be a lot easier.

[00:43:02] It is easier just cuz it’s mirroring other social networks like LinkedIn, Facebook. I just found it just more engaging than trying to navigate courses in some of these other places. Okay. So that was my bias towards it. Yeah. No, if it works, like I said, use it, whatever tools help you keep moving forward, then that’s the tool to use.

[00:43:20]   : Okay people will ask me all the time, what’s the best way to send out an email, right? Whatever way works for you, I could do it 50 different ways. They’re all gonna be successful. it’s just, what can you do? And what can you actually commit to and stick to. get it done.

[00:43:34] It does no good. If I give you tools that you are never gonna be able to use. That makes sense. For sure. Yeah. okay. So you’ve got finishing your on demand challenge and growing your private network. I, this stuff goes back to sometimes the curse of knowledge gets us right? Yeah. We just, we know too much.

[00:43:55] so we overthink it well, but then I could do this or maybe I should do this, or, it’d be great if I did this. And then you do nothing So I think you would almost better to sit down and start, okay. This is a coaching program I want to offer. Okay. This is the criteria that fits into that coaching program.

[00:44:16] Audra: This is my ideal customer base The people that I want to work with. And then this is where I want, I want a hundred students paying $500 a month with a six month commitment or whatever that looks like. I’m not, I don’t know what your goals are. But without actually putting some kind of stake in the ground as to your goals of what you’re trying to achieve,    how’s the universe know what to bring you for sure.

[00:44:43] You’re all, over the map. I don’t mean you specifically. I just mean no, I get it us in general. So we’ve got to be able to state now it’ll pivot. It’ll change right where we start and where we ended up or typically not the same thing, but without you telling me, you’re trying to get to Chicago, how do I give you a map?

[00:44:59] we can’t, I can’t give you any kind of direction. Oh, you’re walking. Great. Where do you wanna go? I don’t know. It could be snowing. It could be raining. It could be sunny. When you pick a destination, then I can give you a map to get there. Absolutely. Yeah, for sure. it’s easier to try to change the map too, versus sticking with it.

[00:45:19] All the other people succeeding in different ways. It’s oh, this person’s doing this on this platform. Or, over here, like you just said, oh, some people are just using email campaigns or PDFs, or there’s so many different ways of doing it. So definitely. I can see that. I have to clarify exactly what I’m gonna do and then stick with and, or use until it stops working or starts working.

[00:45:39] So stick with, it’s not necessarily test it. So I think that’s the other thing we feel like we have to have all the answers immediately because we’re the expert. We’ve gotta have all the variables figured out before we actually do it, but it’s not true. Okay. We, from a marketing standpoint from somebody that’s

[00:45:57] Audra: done marketing for hundreds and hundreds of clients since 2009. I don’t know all the answers. what I do is I take my best guess we start with that. We go with it and then we let the data tell us. Yep. Because you just, you can’t no funnels hit it out of the park. The first run, no ads hit it out of the park

[00:46:20] the first run, We’re taking our best guess based on all of our market research and experience and stuff like that. But doesn’t mean people are gonna buy so you look at the data, you tweak it, you look at the data, you tweak it and then you get a home run. So who cares what everybody else is doing?

[00:46:37] If anything, you should look at that. that could be something that I could try, but this really resonates with me right now. So I’m gonna start with this. Awesome. Yeah. Depending on how my people react to it, then I’ll adjust as I need to. But at some point we have to stop being the student and we have to start being the teacher.

[00:46:59] Audra: Yep. And once you stop trying to be the student, you know, enough, you have permission, you know what, you know, your industry, you know, your skills, you know what you can provide to people. you just, now you just gotta do it. You need to become the teacher and stop rolling back to being the student.

[00:47:18] Zach Ganska: Okay. For sure. does that make sense? It does. Yeah. I had a question in my mind. One of the questions I wanna ask you today was like, I’m sure you follow Gary V or listen to some, his stuff like crushing it. Sure. So he talks about documenting the, process of becoming the expert. What is your take on that?

[00:47:35] Like I was telling you, okay, right now I’m overhauling my health as well. And getting, some things to change. so it’s of course there’s fear involved. I don’t mind on social media and say, Hey guys, I have, you know, or whatever, 30 pounds of fat on my body. That’s not helping me right now.

[00:47:47] But at the same time, it’s a huge opportunity to show that the principles I’m using are working. So besides just getting over myself and just getting over that bullshit again, I was just curious what your take is on that. If that would be probably the most effective thing I could do right now, in addition to showcasing my client’s results, obviously.

[00:48:04] But, like how do you see that kind of a tie in, I was just thinking as long as all the content, all the resources are helping other people, it’s just not all about me. It could be a great like service, but I was just curious what your thoughts are on that, where you document your transformation as you’re coaching others in.

[00:48:20] Audra: I would definitely do that and I would, and preface it that way. I know. okay, so wait a second. So one or two things. Yes, it’s a great model, but two, does it actually fit with your personality and are you congruent with doing that?

[00:48:35] Zach Ganska: Yeah, it does. cuz that’s one of the reasons that I’m in this is because, I want to be, as free, like I wanna look back and I wanna have had the best life possible and I wanna, truly experience as much freedom as possible.

[00:48:46] And our bodies are tied to every single thing we do. So we have to, resolve the issues that arise. this is no different. This is me,changing how I see life and how I function and my habits and to be congruent with, the next better version of myself basically.

[00:49:00] okay. So let me ask you what’s the hesitation cause you’re you intellectually know what you need to do, right? So what’s giving you back just you, you get into that imposter syndrome thing and talk yourself out of it.

[00:49:13] Zach Ganska: Yeah. It’s just it’s yeah, it’s just fear. It’s. like I’ve been going through this awesome coaching program from another coach about guilt and it centers on guilt.

[00:49:22] It starts to touch a lot of different other factors too, but it’s, there’s just been those bags I’ve carried for decades. Literally. I remember when we go back all the way to my childhood, but I remember being teased in elementary school and starting school in fourth grade. And just some of the things people said, just like how it stuck with me.

[00:49:38] So I think it just became this paradigm of it’s dangerous to say or do these things don’t say, or do those things don’t look foolish, don’t look dumb, that kind of stuff. yeah. it’s just fear that all that’s all. Its there’s no like you just said logical reason.

[00:49:53] Yeah. When I put that self into, the objective reality of what my life is and like I look over the whole course of. where I came from, where I’m at now, where I want to go. Like when I get in that space, there’s no reason not to do it. It’s just, okay.

[00:50:05]  : So that’s gotta be actually do it. but that’s gotta be some of the stuff.

[00:50:09] So maybe do this for a week, commit to recording videos just on your phone. Don’t do ’em live. Just say, okay, set a timer in your phone at 10:00 AM every day. You’re gonna record a three minute video, a 30 second video for time of day’s trying to set an appointment for me. You need to do it too. I do.

[00:50:35] But, just do it for a week and just record the video on your phone. Don’t publish it because then you could start working through some of the fear of doing it. Yeah. because nobody’s gonna see that stuff. So you could be as big of a joker or an ass or a serious person or whatever you wanna be.

[00:50:53] Because little by little it’ll get easier and it won’t be oh my gosh, I shouldn’t have said that or, oh, the lighting wasn’t right. Or, I should have wore the green shirt, not the blue shirt. And, did you see that? My eye was just, you gotta be able to stop being so critical of yourself.

[00:51:08] Yeah. And just allow it, but just a week or two, just record ’em. Okay. Even if you delete, ’em just record ’em just to force you to start getting through that resistance. I think the other thing is,there was something here on your page. I was gonna say, are your Instagram stats that you sent me?

[00:51:28] Zach Ganska: No, that’s Facebook. So Facebook, I don’t know why this happened, but, I wanna say about a month ago it changed my Facebook profile. It said, do you wanna switch it to. I forget what the term is, public figures or something like that. And so we had more functionality and some more tools and whatnot.

[00:51:44] So I just switched it over. So I just screenshot the metrics that it was showing me when I went into the view,view tools, section there’s some insights and highlights and stuff. yeah. Yeah. You’re not buying ads professional mode. What’s that? You’re not buying ads. Not currently. No. I did in the past, I spent a lot like four or five years ago on ads.

[00:52:03] your post reach is 21,000. Cool. Is that pretty good? Yeah. Nice. a thousand views of your profile. Nice. So you’ve got people post engagement, 3,700 these are decent. These are really good stats. Video clicks 2 58 . So I don’t understand. So you got people paying attention, right?

[00:52:29] Audra: Clearly you’re saying something worthwhile and again, I’m being facetious here, but yeah, no, I understand. Thanks. But really, I think it just comes back to you talk yourself out of it. You start playing all that BS from back then. have you ever done any NLP work?

[00:52:47] I have not gone through official NLP courses, but I’ve read books on it and whatnot.

[00:52:51] and I’ve done some other things that are similar.

[00:52:54] Audra: So they have something called timeline therapy. I’m a NLP, master practitioner. Oh, okay. but there’s a couple different things that I think would benefit you. but they do some stuff called timeline therapy that teaches you how to you don’t keep reliving your past, but they show you how to close it.

[00:53:13] So when you do go back and visit it, it’s almost like you’re flying above it. You don’t actually go back to all that crap that happened, but you just glide above it. there was a very good friend of mine that was, as a child is it’s a, I promise this story’s worth hearing, but yeah. very obese friend.

[00:53:34] she was probably 400 pounds. Okay 450 . I didn’t know her as a child. We met later in life in, at a company that we both worked at. tremendous human being, just top of the line, kind of woman get to know her a little bit. And I, I’m the complete opposite of her, right? I’m healthy. I eat, I run. I’m all about, taking care of myself. She’s the opposite, six cheeseburgers,this, and I was like, okay, we’re friends. And as you get to know me, you’ll know, I’m very direct. I never mean to cause harm. But I’m gonna call it. Like I see it for sure. Some people can handle it. Some people it’s too much, but so I asked her, I said, so she would make comments.

[00:54:18] But for the most part, we were able to accept each other just who we are. Okay. She was able to accept me for my. driven direction about being healthy. And I was able to accept her for not caring for herself at all. okay. So as we become better friends, fast forward a couple years, we get to a conversation and she tells me she’s tired of being fat.

[00:54:40] And I’m like, okay, so what are you gonna do about it? and she proceeds to tell me why she’s fat. So when she was a child, her mom and dad got divorced, she was the oldest sibling. They were very poor. sometimes their meals could have been a piece of bread with mustard on it. and that was the sandwich.

[00:54:58] Fast forward. A little bit. Mom starts dating a man, ends up marrying a man that starts molesting her. Oh God. You’re right. Six years old, seven years old, eight years old, she goes to her mom tells her mom that this man is molesting her mom doesn’t believe her. Oh, so she starts eating. And at a very young age, she figures out if I get really fat and ugly, maybe he won’t want to molest me.

[00:55:25] Audra: Wow. So she starts pecking on pounds. then she gets into school and people start picking on her because she’s so fat. Which in turn feeds that system of being fat . And it just that, so her outer skin or fat became a protection of this little girl that mom and dad didn’t protect when she was small.

[00:55:46] So at 47, she starts trying to work through her shit. She starts realizing, okay, I’m holding on all this stuff. It’s weighing me down. I’m never gonna be able to get out of this fat cocoon that has imprisoned me all these years. She starts trying to deal with it. She doesn’t go to the doctor.

[00:56:06] Audra: She doesn’t. , she’s stuck. She’s completely stuck. she bought herself a treadmill, but then it wouldn’t handle the weight. She would try to walk, but she would have challenges. She would try to manage the diet. the problem that she built was way bigger than she ever personally could have handled.

[00:56:25] Yeah. so then I asked her one time, she’s she’d start to replay. Cause we replay our stories, like the records, right? it becomes our identity. It’s who we are. So one time she says, I said, so how did working out go today? And she’s I really didn’t do it. I got, stuck on this thing about my mom and these mustard sandwiches.

[00:56:44] And I was like, so you are a grown ass woman. Why that was a little girl. You couldn’t protect her. Then you can’t protect her now. But you’re an adult. So you need to take back your power. You’re eating right. There’s no mustard sandwiches. You’re not starving. You’re in a safe place. You need to take care of the adult person.

[00:57:09] I don’t wanna say your name, the adult person that is struggling. And she went on after that to get her college degree at, I guess she was probably 50 ish. Then I get a phone call from her. so we stayed friends seven years, 10 years, neither one of us are working at the same place. This was quite some time ago, but we still stayed in touch.

[00:57:31] I get a phone call from her, like at the beginning of January, maybe three years ago. and she was just like a completely different person. And I didn’t really understand it at the time because she was talking in code . but she had terminal cancer. Oh, and did not tell anybody until she was on her deathbed.

[00:57:52] Oh. And then I see on Facebook that she died. all of us were just out of our mind that she had to hold that in. I guess the point of sharing all that is our stories. So all that turmoil, it, if you don’t get it out, it bounces around inside of you like a pinball machine.

[00:58:13] Right. Doing all kinds of damage. At some point you gotta either stop playing those stories or they will cause all kinds of health issues. so it’s worth it to sit down and say, okay, you know what? Those things happen to me in my past. They’re not what defines me today. Who am I today? I’m a dad, I’m a fitness person.

[00:58:34] I take care of my health. I help others. I’m a loving husband. I have friends. I have, this is the person I am right now. Those experiences made me who I am. but they don’t define who I am anymore. And I wish she, she was so close to getting through, cuz she had made so much progress for herself.

[00:58:54] just, you know, doesn’t have any bearing on anybody but her. but how many other people are going through that same thing when it comes to their business, I’m not good enough. I’m not far enough. I haven’t made enough money. I don’t have the right tools. I mean it’s so it’s so much, but at the same time, it’s nothing.

[00:59:13] Yeah. It really is nothing in the big scope of things is nothing. Yeah.

[00:59:18] Zach Ganska: It’s yeah. It’s like a form of the cosmic joke for lack of a better phrase. And it’s, it really is. Cuz I, I think that as of now my working theory is that it really does all stem from childhood and the strategies, have you gone through landmark?

[00:59:32] So no, but that was around the same time I was going through NLP. Yeah. Yeah. So it’s, but they have a lot of the same, it sounds like the same thoughts as far as you have this seven year old who we’re powerless and we developed these strategies for surviving. And then here we are in our thirties and forties and we’re like, why am I doing this?

[00:59:50] it’s this doesn’t work. So no thank you for sharing that. that’s really inspirational and amazing.

[00:59:55] Audra: It’s just, it’s a lot. So if you look up tad James, he was one of the founders of NLP. Okay. And, timeline therapy is another really good one.

[01:00:04] Another one is hypnotherapy. I would actually take a look at that, EMDR or like what type do you, yeah, it can, I just went through, so when I got divorced, I needed to talk to somebody. it was my decision and nobody else was supportive of it. So it was a little overwhelming. considering I was 26 and had three kids under the age of five.

[01:00:24] Oh, wow. So it was a lot, but, so I needed to have a total stranger tell me it was okay to do what I was doing. And so she took me through some things and I was like, oh my gosh. taught me about codependency and taught me about personalities and what you want and how to find the right things.

[01:00:41] And I was fortunate, not a lot of people find it that young. It’s awesome. That end up taking that crap with us. But there’s another lady to look at her name is Byron Katie. Oh yeah. I know. Yeah. I’ve some of her stuff. Yeah. So her stuff of is this, do you love me?

[01:00:57] Is this true or something like that? I sometimes still have to use that.

[01:01:02] Zach Ganska: Yeah. that pops up in landmark too, that they call that the unanswerable questions. Like basically what we’re always at asking our interactions, And so yeah, I’ve identified. That is basically, mine is some form of am I good enough?

[01:01:15] Audra: Or do you love me? Do you like me? So it’s really interesting once, once that’s in there, it’s frustrating to see how often it can just pop up and you’re like, damn do it again. the one I end up going back to is, sometimes I have to slow down and look backwards to see what I’ve gone through and what I’ve accomplished.

[01:01:32] Yeah, because looking forward, sometimes that hill is just super overwhelming and it’s oh my God, I gotta climb that one too. I can’t do it. then you gotta remember, you gotta sit down and just say, wait, stop. You gotta remember who the fuck you are. You can do this!

[01:01:47] Zach Ganska: Something I’ve been doing habitually too

[01:01:49] that has not been serving me. That I’ve really only identified like seriously, about three or four days ago with this other coaching thing I’m doing is I’m not like I’m not even acknowledging like most of my wins and most of my success, like I have created this very high, lofty definition of what a success or, yeah.

[01:02:05] What a win looks like. And then it’s wait a minute. I did all this other stuff today. And if I don’t do those things, I’m gonna chastise myself for, but if I do them, I’m not even acknowledging that, I’ve accomplished those things. So it’s no wonder. I don’t feel like, I’m getting that traction is cuz I’m not allowing myself to that’s very good. Yeah. That’s good. So are you taking these things and writing ’em down where you can reflect on ’em once a week or something?

[01:02:28] Yeah. Yeah. I revisit it. one thing I’ve done, I heard Tony Robbins talk about this years ago and I never really tried it, but talks about, he would go for these runs.

[01:02:37] And I think this phrase was something like I’m unstoppable and he literally would just run for two hours. I’m unstoppable. But, I forget the exact fancy scientific words, behind it, but it does turn out that when the body’s in kind of a repetitive movement like that at a certain cadence,in an aerobic state that it does.

[01:02:51] Link up with some of these subconscious things. So that’s something I’ve been doing. I’ve been doing more cardio to lean back out. And I’ll write my little phrases and I’ll just sit there like a weirdo. And I’ll just say, I even put it on. I even put it on Facebook when one day I was like, oh, these are the things.

[01:03:08] And it’s so interesting. It’s like, why should that feel weird to me to repeat, I am happy or I am success or I am joy or, like that really shows how important that kind of work is for making these transformations is, if there’s some, cognitive dissonance there, or some emotional stuff going on and some barricades, it’s like, that’s what we gotta do to work through it.

[01:03:26] Audra: So yeah, I’m working through it. so what I would suggest is, progress is great. the direction that you’re headed is exactly what you should be doing. What I would say though, is find a way to separate it. So just you’re talking about completely cutting ties with this stuff.

[01:03:45] no. Keep doing what you’re doing, but what’s happening is that work becomes an overshadow of your job. So what I got very good at when I was going through all that stress of getting divorced to my kids is I, Tony Robbins actually taught me how to compartmentalize. Oh, okay. When I’m here, this is what I’m focused on.

[01:04:09] , I’m not allowing my past or my present or my future affect what I’m doing right here right now. And to maybe even to fault, I am so good at it today. But what it allows me to do is it allows me to separate the insecure Audra, the little girl, Audra, the hurt Audra, the. add, I’m not add, but the excited a Audra that doesn’t wanna focus.

[01:04:32] And then I can just be right here right now. Okay. Right here. Right now. we’re doing this conversation. And then when I’m done, I could let all that other stuff back in but while I’m doing it, I’m, that’s it, that’s all I’m gonna focus on. And I think that has served me so well over time that I can get, I get a lot of shit done.

[01:04:51] I really do. but without that, I don’t think I could have

[01:04:55] Zach Ganska: no, that makes total sense. Yeah. Cuz it’s so easy just to fall in that pattern where, I’ll finally sit down and do the email or the post or any of the other myriad of things we’ve been talking about and right away, it’s oh, you didn’t do it last week.

[01:05:04] you should have, and then you completely beat yourself up and then you do none of it. why am I even gonna bother? It completely just takes you out of state. Yeah. or you do it and it’s just drained. You it’s oh, I just spent, five, 10 times the amount of energy

[01:05:18] Zach Ganska: and resources internally that needed to happen. yeah, that’s very true. I will definitely practice that when I sit down and do these things. Thank you. Yeah.

[01:05:25] Audra: Yeah, of course. Of course. All right. What else? I know we’ve been on here for a minute, so I don’t wanna keep you much longer.

[01:05:32] Zach Ganska: Oh, I’m good. I just wanna fit into your format.

[01:05:34] Audra: I wanna be of help to your project. There’s a couple things I’m gonna do when I edit this, I’m gonna pull out some of the stuff about you and I’m gonna send it to you so you can put it on your phone and watch it. Okay, cool. Because you’ve gotta get back to a place that you know, that, intellectually, that you’re a badass and that you’re qualified to do what you’re doing.

[01:05:51] But because you’re still going through so much of this work, it overshadows that business side of what you’re trying to do. And because you’re, as the stuff comes up, you’re dealing with it. So you can put it behind you, but it all, it brings it back. Like it’s new and you’re having to relive all that and emotionally work through it.

[01:06:14] Audra: It’s very challenging to do a business. And then your family and everything else on top of it, it’s a lot, right? Yeah. it’s a lot. Yeah. So so if something bad happens, how do you deal with it? So something challenging just screwed up your day. You had planned on doing all your social media and everything went to hell.

[01:06:34] How do you have a way of recovering or no?

[01:06:37] Zach Ganska: Yeah. The thing that’s been working best for me is just not even using a good, bad paradigm. And I found myself falling into that. It’s just going right back into like opportunity and just removing, because like you just talked about it is challenging.

[01:06:53] I have, a six and an eight year old they’re very active boys. They like to do sports and they’re doing swimming right now. And then, my wife and I are trying to, improve our marriage and, we’re trying to build a future business. she has a very busy role as an executive for her company that she works for.

[01:07:08] And really, so when I start to fall into that, I seriously will just back up and number one, just pull away from it as best as I can. And then number two is you talked about all the stuff that’s happened in the past that makes us who we are right now. And I just remind myself,all this perceived pressure or stress or whatever might be, disorienting or, frustrating in that moment.

[01:07:29] it’s making me better, like it’s leading to, more satisfying results, okay. Things that I want to create. yeah, so I really just look for the lesson. And, that’s a big shift for me, cuz in the past I would sit there and I would start chastising myself for like I would, there’s a lot of books out right now about radical accountability and yeah.

[01:07:46] responsibility. And I totally agree with that. And I’ve really been embodying that it’s all coming from me with that being said, one thing I was doing that I wasn’t really aware of at the stage I was in with those kind of insights and thoughts is it became this way, became a mechanism for like again, berating myself where, maybe I’m not getting a post on or maybe my, like you just said, like plans fall apart and then I’m going, well, you know, you stayed up too late.

[01:08:12] you did this. Oh, had you done that differently? So it wasn’t serving me. The thing that seems to serve me best right now is just getting out the good, bad, and just good, the parable of kinda the parable of the, what’s it called?

[01:08:23] Zach Ganska: The parable of Chinese farmer and just, we’ll wait and see, so it’s like getting back to it and being as, getting more consistent and just also, like I tell people with their training show up and do the best you can. If I give you a 30 minute plan or whatever, I’ve clearly shown you what the priorities are.

[01:08:39] So if you got 10 minutes, do 10 minutes of work, if you got this, do that. okay. But do you, I have to apply that to myself. Yeah. A lot of days I do. And some days I don’t. So that’s the goal right now is to no matter what, there’s some things in my life that are non-negotiable and then there’s these other new habits and I am committed to making those non-negotiable as well.

[01:08:58] Audra: Good. Good. I definitely wanna follow up with you and see where things are evolving to when do you love it? That’d be great. also I wanna challenge you, sit down and put some dates to some stuff. Yeah, for sure. I’m gonna have recipes. I’m gonna have website, I’m gonna have a social media plan, whatever those look like,based on where the goals of where you’re headed.

[01:09:19] When it comes to our marketing, we never finish it. So a lot of people have challenges setting a finish date. , but maybe it’s not a finish. Like we’re done forever, but it’s a finish where we’re gonna hit some milestones of okay

[01:09:31] for the, I’m gonna have emails ready to go with, within two weeks. And then I’m gonna commit to going consistently once a week for the next 60 days. Okay. And then at 60 days I’m gonna reassess the data. What’s getting opened. What’s getting clicked on what am, what is my community like is my list growing, find out if it’s a good tactic or not, for sure that’s strategy to have, and then same with your social media.

[01:09:58] I’m gonna be on this platform. I’m gonna commit to showing up this many times, and in 60 days I’m gonna look at the data and find out if it’s worth my time. Perfect. I love it. Okay. All right. Good. Anything else I can?

[01:10:12] Zach Ganska: No, I think that, yeah, I was really, again, I just wanted to thank you for, letting me come in here and have this conversation with you and be able to get some clarity on some things, which I definitely have.

[01:10:23] you are right. I’ve made it into this big storm in my brain and it doesn’t need to be like that and throw it out. Throw it out. Yeah.

[01:10:29] Audra: Have you read any of Eckhart Tolle stuff?

[01:10:32] Zach Ganska: Oh, I doubt it’s. Okay. You wanna talk about excuses? This is the worst excuse ever. No. Tell me, I first heard of Eckard Tolle from, I was, hold on how I talk about this?

[01:10:43] Okay. So I briefly worked somewhere for someone who was basically like an alcoholic and in denial about it. Oh, and yeah, it got pretty bad. And I’m trying to be tactful here because if somebody from Reno listens to this, they might put some stuff together and I don’t. That person’s had hard enough road without me talking about it.

[01:11:03] Got it. but anyways, just the fact that it was that person introduced it to me, I’ve always just had this like thing. And then my wife listened to and I heard it and he talks really slow and it, yeah, I just, no, I know he’s very wise and I’ll definitely listen. I even think we have it on audible then I think about it.

[01:11:21] I’ll crank him up to two and a half speed and get through it. I, so I couldn’t listen to him auditory cause the same reason it’s too slow for me. I’m just like what you say, go, but reading the book when I, when the new earth first came. Okay. I’ve heard of that one. And I’ve heard the power now, right?

[01:11:40] Audra: Wasn’t as big one. The power now is a good one. Yeah. Yeah. I dunno. The new earth is really good. So the first time I picked it up, I could not get through chapter one. okay. And I’ll tell you why. I didn’t know it at the time, but I had to do some more work to be able to get to a place to get through it.

[01:11:58] Set it back on the shelf. at the time the new earth came out, I owned a title company. Okay. I was printing money. Nice. my ego was in check, but it was still pretty big. I was like conquering the world. there was not a lot that was gonna slow me down. so this would’ve been like 2007, 2008.

[01:12:16] Audra: This was before everything tanked. So I’ve been doing since 2002. So I was able to ride through that. And like I said, I, everybody was printing money back then. But I tried to read the book. I was like, yeah, I don’t have time for this. I’m too busy. I’m too important. I’m too. I didn’t even think importants the right word.

[01:12:34] I’m like way over emphasizing this. Yes, I understand. Yeah. Cause this is it. What is it there’s no, no other person here. but I couldn’t get into it. I couldn’t slow down enough to get into it. Pick it back up a couple years later. Yeah. I got a little bit further. Still could not get it to connect.

[01:12:53] I’m like, I don’t understand this third person thing. I’m just not in a place for this kind of help right now. Okay. Circle back around maybe a year later, pick it back up. Start reading it. Oh my gosh. red could not read it fast enough. I was finally at a place that I could get it. That’s awesome.

[01:13:14] And he really talks about. So I know all about codependency and all the stuff that goes along with that. have a lot of those traits that’ll go along. So I’m on the caretaker side of that, but I needed to get to a place where I didn’t take responsibility for everybody.

[01:13:30] And everybody’s results and everybody’s decisions and getting to Eckert’s book taught me I can offer you solutions. I can tell you how to do it, but I don’t have to walk your journey for you. And especially with my kids, I didn’t know how to let them walk their own journey. I’m like, no, you’re here then a place where you don’t to do that.

[01:13:55] Audra: And it was so liberating,

[01:13:57] for it to actually work for me, but it was such a refreshing place to get to. Yeah. And it, it just gives you a whole nother perspective on seeing people and understanding where they’re at in life and how to, I don’t know. it’s a good book. So I’ve given it to probably 20 friends over the years.

[01:14:20] Audra: Okay. Some of them can read it. Some of them can’t. I think I definitely could. I’ve been, oh, here, finish your thought. Cause I, yeah, I was just gonna say a very good friend of mine who gave it to her. She’s Audra, this is shit. I’m not reading this. I’m like, you need to start doing some work, man.

[01:14:34] Open it up. Yeah. Couple years later. Give it to her again. I can’t read it. It’s just some, and then little, few years later she was able to get through it. So I always know if I give somebody the book, they can’t get through the first chapter. They’re not there yet. It’s not quite time.

[01:14:50] Zach Ganska: No. Yeah. that is true. There’s been some interesting things that I encountered like that I, man, I don’t know how many months ago, have you ever read anything by Neville Goddard on that path? I don’t think so. He has a concept. He calls it, everything is you pushed out. Oh yeah. It goes back to perception, but it’s like all those things you just described where.

[01:15:14] you want things for people, whether it’s kids or everyone else, it’s literally, we’re creating all that. And we’re just, it’s again, projecting and on probably the most commonplace thing that people are familiar with is the concept of the projector versus the screen. So it’s like we do the screen, what the projector’s in here.

[01:15:34] Zach Ganska: And so he goes into this whole thing. How, when I’m saying my wife is this or this person is this it’s, I’m literally taking a facet of likelike a piece of myself and I am, and that’s how I’m experiencing that person. it’s so challenging just to sit there and just, try to experience them for who they are and not who I’m making them out to be, especially with kids, cuz yeah, I’m at this stage and my kids are six and eight they’re boys.

[01:15:56] They’re brothers, they fight all the time and. And again, I have this good, bad stuff going on and I’m like, sitting there and some days I’ll just be like, they’re learning to cooperate and share it’s and I had this funny moment the other day. Do you in your city, do you guys have the green go?

[01:16:12] The green, red go, don’t go to get on the freeway so that it breaks up the in Florida? No. Okay. So you’ve probably seen ’em though, when you traveled. Yeah, California. We had, yeah. California has a ton. Nevada’s starting to adopt those here and it’s I’m sitting there and I was just outta curiosity.

[01:16:26] Cause I’m at this stage where I was just curious how much things cost and I’m like, how much does it cost to put one of those in it’s like a quarter of a million to half, a million dollars to install one of these lights. And I’m like, literally we spend a half, a million dollars to tell adults, Hey, you go.

[01:16:39] And then you go and, take your turns. Oh my God. But then what do we expect from our kids? We expect them to magically take turns in all this stuff. So right. It’s just, yeah. So my whole parenting paradigm has been shifting quite a bit. And yeah. And that is the hard part though, is it’s so easy with kids.

[01:16:55] especially our oldest son, he has a degree of sensory processing stuff. And so he gets really, sometimes his reality is a little more intense than other people. Yeah. but it’s, yeah, it’s so easy to, oh my eight year old is doing this. Oh my God, what’s it gonna be when he is 13 and going through puberty and this scenarios.

[01:17:09] Zach Ganska: And it’s Hey, in this moment, your child is having a breakdown. They have strong emotions and not taking it past, that’s it? It’s, that’s the challenge.

[01:17:17] Audra: I think one of the best pieces of advice I was ever given. so my ex was not involved in my kids’ life, so it was just me and the three of them.

[01:17:25] Okay for our whole lives. I grew up with them. but somebody told me, I think one of my psychology teachers said, Audra, your job as a parent, your kids are going down a river. you’re the banks. Your job is just to keep them between the bank. otherwise let them float freely. They’re not drowning.

[01:17:47] They’re not, nobody’s dying. your boundaries are right here. Stop trying to control or not control, but make every decision or make everybody kumbaya and get along and stop hurting each other. Stop picking at each other. Just be right here. Yeah. Pull yourself out of it and allow them to develop those skills because they will serve them better when they’re older.

[01:18:10] Yeah. I love it. And I was like, okay, I’m gonna try that. Cause three, there’s always an odd man out. So you only have two, but I only have two third one in there. No, all hell breaks loose. Two was my spiritual capacity. I knew enough about myself to be like, I’m gonna take a shot at raising two happy well-adjusted kids that can

[01:18:27] Zach Ganska: build things in the future. , I dunno, a third or more we’re getting on, you’re outnumbered yeah. Some territory that,that everyone’s health and wellbeing might start seriously because house is already messy enough with two of them, and guess what nobody cares.

[01:18:44] Audra: I know, but when they’re older, nobody’s good to care. I know that, that is a funny part for sure. All right. Zach, thank you so much. It’s been, you it’s been great talking to you. Likewise. I am definitely gonna follow up with you and, see how things are progressing. And please, if I can help or you have questions, especially from a marketing or a business standpoint, I know we talked about a lot of different things, but yeah, I don’t think that there’s just one, side to us.

[01:19:10] It’s not just business, all these other things play into it and you’ve got to look at a entrepreneur’s life holistically. because one thing does affect something else. Yeah.

[01:19:23] Zach Ganska: So I gotta do all those things. I preach. Damn it. I know. Don’t all the rules apply to all of us, all the rules apply.

[01:19:31] Yeah. So yeah, this has been amazing. And what I’m gonna do is, you really hit the nail on the head with setting dates and, getting some things in place. I’m gonna look at all this today and tomorrow, and I’m gonna set some challenge dates for myself, and I’m gonna send those to you.

[01:19:43] Good. And, I’ll follow up on those dates and tell you what I got done and what I didn’t. And, yeah, as I, get this role and I’d love to come back and chat more and be a success story for you.

[01:19:51] Audra: Awesome. Now I do have feel free to, I have a website called zindolabs. Oh yeah. You’re talking about that.

[01:19:58] Yeah. And it’s my community. It’s free for you to join. Yeah. Okay. So set up an account log in there and then if you’ve got questions, just post ’em. Okay. and I’m happy to respond and see where I can help you, you have to save them up. Let’s keep you moving. Awesome. I appreciate have a great day. You too.

[01:20:18] Thank you so much. Bye. All right, bye.

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