The Ultimate Guide to Content Marketing 2022

Content Marketing Strategy

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Content marketing is one of the most efficient and effective ways to reach your target market online.

By creating high-quality content that engages and informs your audience, you can build trust and credibility with them, which can lead to more sales and conversions in the long run.

In order to get the most out of your content marketing strategy, it’s important to keep up with the latest trends and best practices and to have a well-documented content strategy for all of your digital marketing goals.

That’s why we’ve put together this Ultimate Guide to Content Marketing for 2022.

In it, we’ll cover everything you need to know about content marketing, from the basics of what it is, getting started with creating great content to the latest trends and best practices for any digital marketer.

We hope you find this guide helpful and that it gives you the information you need to create a successful content marketing strategy for your business.

What is content marketing and why is it important for businesses today?

Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.

By creating valuable content that engages and informs your audience, you can build trust and credibility with them, which can lead to more sales and conversions in the long run.

The marketing landscape is competitive, and it’s critical to stay on top of the newest trends and best practices in order to get the most out of your content marketing. Content marketing, when done correctly, can be an extremely successful approach to promoting your business and raising brand recognition.

However, let’s not forget that content marketing is a long-term strategy, and it takes time and effort to see results.

If you’re just getting started with content marketing, or if you’re looking to refresh your strategy, then keep reading.

How has content marketing changed over the years, and where is it headed in the future?

Content marketing has evolved a great deal over the years, and it’s continuing to evolve as we move into the future.

Here are a few of the ways that content marketing has changed over the years:

1. The focus has shifted from quantity to quality.

In the early days of content marketing, businesses focused mainly on producing a lot of content in the hopes of reaching as many people as possible. However, today’s consumers are much savvier and they can quickly tell when a piece of content is low quality or irrelevant to their interests.

As a result, businesses now need to focus on producing content that will actually engage and inform their target audience by adding value to them. 

Remember, they are consuming content based on the WIIFM (What’s In It For Me) mindset.

2. There is more competition than ever before.

Thanks to the internet, businesses now have a global audience of prospective customers. However, this also means that there is more competition in the online marketing space.

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In order to stand out from the crowd, businesses need to produce truly exceptional content that will grab attention and hold interest.

That means focusing on the benefits of using your products or services instead of just listing features. The product value isn’t in features, it is in the desired outcome that a potential customer is looking for.

3. Social media has changed the game.

Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have made it easier than ever for businesses to reach their target audiences.

And, as more and more people use social media, it’s becoming an increasingly important part of any content marketing strategy.

Yes, it can be hard to be ‘seen’ today with all of the algorithm updates and changes, but it’s still a necessary and worthwhile part of any successful marketing strategy.

4. SEO is more important than ever.

Since the early days of content marketing, search engine optimization (SEO) has been an important part of any successful strategy.

However, as the algorithms used by search engines have become more sophisticated, SEO has become even more important.

Today, businesses need to focus on creating relevant content that is not only high quality and engaging, but also optimized for the specific keywords and phrases that their target audience is searching for.

5. Content must be mobile-friendly.

More and more people are using their smartphones and tablets to access the internet, which means that businesses need to make sure their content is mobile-friendly. This means creating content that can be easily viewed and interacted with on a small screen.

It also means paying attention to things like load time and font size, which can be crucial for keeping people’s attention on a mobile device.

And in all transparency, there really isn’t a good reason to NOT have a mobile-friendly website in 2022. Websites have evolved so far in the past 10 years and it’s very affordable to have a site rebuilt so it does accommodate customers on mobile devices.

Need help with this, reach out… We got you! 

6. Video has become increasingly important.

In recent years, video has exploded in popularity as a form of content. And, as broadband speeds have increased and devices like smartphones and tablets have become more video-friendly, it’s only going to become more important.

Businesses need to start thinking about how they can use video to reach their target audiences. This could mean anything from creating short “explainer” videos to live streaming product demonstrations and tutorials.

You do not have to be a pro, you just need to get in the game. Hire a spokesperson or have an animated video created, you just need to get started if you haven’t already.

In the long term, when compared to paid advertisements, video marketing, and traditional marketing content wins the battle every time.

7. Interactive content is on the rise.

As consumers become more and more accustomed to being able to interact with content, businesses are starting to create more interactive content.

This could include anything from quizzes and polls to infographics and augmented reality experiences.

The goal is to make the content more engaging and interactive so that people will want to share it with their friends and followers.

8. Micro-content is on the rise.

In today’s attention economy, it’s becoming more and more important for businesses to create content that can be consumed quickly and easily.

This has led to the rise of micro-content, which is content that is concise and easy to consume. This could include anything from short blog posts and listicles to social media posts and even memes.

If you haven’t started creating your own micro-content marketing, it’s not too late. Set up a free account on Canva and get started now. No experience is necessary.

Since I’m not a designer, this is my go-to tool for all things design.

9. User-generated content is becoming more important.

As platforms have become more popular, businesses have started to see the value in (UGC).

UGC is any form of content that is created by users of a platform, such as Instagram posts, YouTube videos, and Twitter tweets.

This content can be a great way to connect with potential customers and create a connection with your brand. You could also explore guest posts on your blog to help with UGC and possibly increase website traffic.

10. Influencer marketing is on the rise.

Thanks to social media, businesses now have the opportunity to reach their target audiences through influencers.

An influencer is someone who has a large following on social media and is considered to be an expert in their field.

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By partnering with influencers, businesses can tap into their existing audiences and reach potential customers that they may not have been able to reach otherwise.

Now with influencers, you’ll want to note that there is typically a fee or some type of exchange that happens for them to promote your business. This is very common and if the influencer has the same audience that would buy your product or service, then it could be worth exploring.

But not all influencers’ audiences are a fit. Just because you can get a semi-famous singer to promote your product… doesn’t mean that their audience would ever purchase. So please keep that in mind.

11. Native advertising is growing rapidly.

Native advertising is a form of advertising that is designed to blend in with the surrounding content.

One of the benefits of native advertising is that it can be less intrusive than other forms of advertising, such as banner ads.

This means that people are more likely to pay attention to it and even click on it. If your business is at a point where it can benefit from native advertising, like say Google Ads, then explore it.

If you don’t have much traffic on your site, then this may just be a waste of time and annoying to the visitors you do have.

12. Podcasts are becoming more popular.

Podcasts have seen a surge in popularity in recent years, and it’s only going to continue to grow. They are a great way for businesses to reach their target audiences with long-form content.

They can be used to share thought-provoking discussions, interviews, and even product demonstrations.

Content marketers find this is great content to share across social platforms in snippets to help drive more traffic to their website.

13. Artificial intelligence is changing the landscape of content marketing.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is starting to have a big impact on content marketing.

One of the ways AI is changing content marketing is by helping businesses to create more personalized content. AI can analyze data about a person’s interests and preferences and then use that information to generate content that is tailored specifically for them.

Another way AI is changing content marketing is by helping businesses to automate the content creation process.

This means that your content marketing team can create more content in less time, which can help to improve their bottom line and provide consistency to their content creation efforts.

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14. Augmented and Virtual reality is on the rise.

Augmented reality (AR) and Virtual reality (VR) are technologies that allow people to view or immerse themselves in digital information in the real world.

One of the ways businesses are using AR is by creating AR experiences that people can view through their smartphones.

Businesses are starting to use VR to create immersive experiences for their customers. Just one example could include anything from product demonstrations to virtual tours.

Think about the company Meta formally known as Facebook. They are doubling down on this one and believe it’s going to be a huge part of the future.

15. The line between content and advertising is becoming blurred.

As businesses continue to create more and more content, the line between content and paid search advertising is becoming increasingly blurred. This means that people are seeing more and more advertising disguised as content.

While this can be a great way to reach potential customers, it can also be seen as intrusive and even deceptive, so make sure your ads are reflective of your brand.

Most social networks allow for some kind of paid advertising, such as sponsored content, pay-per-click (PPC), search engine marketing (SEM), display, and retargeting, use it where and how it makes sense for your content marketing strategies.

What are some common content marketing mistakes that businesses make in their content marketing strategy, and how can they be avoided?

Mistake #1. Focusing on quantity over quality.

The most common content marketing blunder is attempting to generate more rather than producing engaging and useful content for their target audiences. This implies that organizations are more concerned with flooding the internet with a lot of low-quality material.

Mistake #2. Not having a clear purpose.

Another frequent mistake businesses make is failing to establish a clear goal for their digital marketing campaigns.

Without a defined objective, content marketers will be challenged to produce content that connects with their target markets. So, whether you’re having problems implementing your current content marketing efforts or you’ve just begun, there’s no excuse not to have one.

Mistake #3. Not promoting their content.

A lot of businesses make the mistake of creating great content but then not promoting it. This means that their target audiences will never see it. So make sure to add this to your digital content marketing strategy.

Mistake #4. Not measuring their results.

Measuring the results of your content marketing efforts is essential in order to determine whether or not they are successful.

Without measurement, businesses will have no way of knowing if their current content strategies are paying off and if they should continue on the current content path they are on.

Mistake #5. Trying to do everything themselves.

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Content marketing is a lot of work and businesses should not try to do it all themselves. It is important to delegate tasks and bring in help when needed in order to create a winning content strategy.

Mistake #6. Not adding visual content.

Including visual content in your content marketing strategy can help you reach a wider audience and generate more leads. Visual content, such as videos, memes, and GIFs can be especially effective in engaging consumers and driving them to take action.

How can businesses create high-quality content that engages their target audience and generates ROI with their content marketing campaign?

Businesses can create content that engages their target audience and generates ROI with their campaign by:

  • Determining the purpose of their content marketing content.
  • Promoting content through various channels and through paid ad content marketing tactics.
  • Analyzing the results of the content marketing campaign and adjusting as needed.
  • Delegating tasks and bringing in help when needed for the marketing team.
  • Creating content that is useful, interesting, and relevant to the target audience.
  • Encouraging interaction and engagement with the content.
  • Producing consistent content.
  • Always striving to improve the content marketing campaign.

What are some tips for staying up-to-date with the latest industry trends to ensure content marketing success?

  • Keeping an eye on the latest industry news by setting up Google Alerts and Trends.
  • Reading blogs and articles from experts in the field. According to Statista, 47 percent of internet users read blogs daily. (Source: Statista)
  • Attending conferences and events related to content marketing.
  • Following influencers and thought leaders on social media.
  • Joining relevant online communities and forums.
  • Conduct your own research on the latest trends.
  • Staying flexible and being willing to experiment with new ideas like creating new landing pages for your new content and sharing it with your audience.
  • Always be open to learning new things.
  • Keep an eye on your competition and learn from their successes and failures.
  • Checking out content marketing resources and forums.
  • Reading books and blog posts about content marketing.

What are some strategies that businesses can use to improve their online presence and reach their target market?

Consider your buyer’s journey. Where are they in the overall funnel? Are they in:

TOFU – Top of Funnel (generate interest)

MOFU – Middle of Funnel (know your brand presence)

BOFU – Bottom of Funnel (current customers)

By understanding where customers are, then create content marketing strategies to speak specifically to them.

  • Next, make sure to have a strong social media presence.
  • Spend the proper time developing a thought-provoking blog.
  • Creating engaging videos.
  • Publishing eBooks and whitepapers.
  • Creating infographics.
  • Hosting webinars and podcasts.
  • Creating an email newsletter.
  • Optimizing their website for search engines.
  • Running online ads.
  • Developing an influencer content marketing strategy.

Content Mapping and the Customer Journey

Content mapping and the customer journey are important aspects of content marketing.

By creating a content map, businesses can better understand the different stages of the buying process and what types of content are most effective at each stage.

The customer journey outlines the different stages that a customer goes through when making a purchase, from initial contact with a brand to post-purchase follow-up.

By understanding the customer journey, businesses can create more targeted and effective content that resonates with customers at each stage of their journey.

Here are a few great tips from @Forbes if you are a startup just starting to use Content Marketing.

What is customer journey mapping and why is it important for content marketing?

Customer journey mapping is a process of understanding the different stages that a customer goes through when making a purchase, from initial contact with a brand to post-purchase follow-up.

By understanding the customer journey, businesses can create more targeted and effective content that resonates with customers at each stage of their journey.

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Customer journey mapping can also assist businesses in enhancing their overall content marketing strategy and conversions.

How do you create a customer journey map for your business or organization?

To create a customer journey map for your business or organization, you’ll need to gather information from a variety of sources.

This includes customer research, interviews with customers and team members, and surveys. You’ll also need to review your website analytics and customer data.

Once you have all of this information, you can begin to map out the different stages of the customer journey and your content marketing map.

You are able to use these results to create more targeted and effective content.

What are some common stages that appear in most customer journeys?

There are a number of common stages that appear in most customer journeys, including:

Awareness: In this stage, the customer is just becoming aware of the problem or need that they have.

Research: In this stage, the customer is researching different solutions to their problem.

Evaluation: In this stage, the customer is evaluating different options and deciding which one is the best fit for them.

Purchase: In this stage, the customer makes a purchase.

Post-purchase: In this stage, the customer uses and enjoys the product or service they purchased.

Loyalty: In this stage, the customer becomes a repeat customer or advocate for the brand.

Each customer journey is unique, but these are the most common stages that customers go through.

By understanding these stages, you can create targeted content that resonates with your customers at each stage of their journey and helps build brand awareness.

How can you use content mapping to improve your website’s user experience and increase conversions?”

Content mapping can help businesses improve their website’s user experience and increase conversions.

So earlier I explained what the content map was and the customer journey. 

Using the information gained through this process, and establishing who the target audience is, how to communicate with them effectively, and how to create content in each phase. 

This information can now be used to create more targeted and effective content that resonates with customers and encourages them to take action.

Which in turn can be used to improve the overall content marketing strategy and website design.

What are some other ways that content mapping can help with your content marketing efforts?”

Content mapping can also help businesses with their marketing efforts in a number of ways, including:

1. Improved targeting: By understanding the different stages of the customer journey, businesses can develop content that is more targeted and relevant to customers.

This helps to improve the overall effectiveness of your content marketing.

2. Increased ROI: Content mapping can help businesses improve their overall marketing strategy and website design, which can lead to increased ROI.

By creating more targeted and effective content, businesses can encourage customers to take action, such as making a purchase, learning more, or hopping on a call.

3. Better customer insights: By gathering data from customer research, interviews, surveys, and website analytics, businesses can gain valuable insights into customer behavior.

This information can be used to improve your content marketing plans and overall business strategy.

Most Common Types of Content Marketing


Podcasting is a great way to reach potential and current customers with interesting content. By creating podcasts that are relevant to your target audience, businesses can increase brand awareness and drive traffic to their website or blog post content.

Podcasting can help businesses build relationships with customers and keep them informed about new products or services.


Blogging is still one of the most popular forms of content marketing.

By creating informative and interesting blog posts, businesses can reach a wide audience and build trust with their inbound marketing.


Infographics are a great way to share interesting and engaging data with potential and existing customers.

By creating visually appealing infographics, businesses can communicate complex information in an easy-to-understand manner.

Additionally, infographics can help businesses increase brand awareness and drive traffic to their website or blog.

Social Media Marketing

Social media is still a great way to connect with potential and existing customers.

By sharing interesting content on social media, businesses can increase awareness and drive traffic to their website or blog.

Paid advertisements are a fantastic method to reach out to current and potential consumers with your material.

By placing targeted ads on websites or social media platforms, businesses can reach a large audience quickly and easily.

Video Content Marketing

Sharing high quality video content is an excellent method to reach prospective and existing customers with your information.

By creating interesting and engaging videos, businesses can communicate complex information in an easy-to-understand manner. Video content can also aid businesses in reaching new consumers and generating leads.

Newsletters & Emails

Newsletters are a great way to keep customers updated on the latest news and developments from your business.

By sending out regular e-newsletters and emails, businesses can build relationships with customers and keep them informed about relevant content, new products, or services.

Content marketing helps brands maximize their return on investment in content by ensuring that each content asset—whether a blog post, email, article, infographic, video, or any other format—reaches the most receptive and relevant audience.

5 Awesome Examples of Content Marketing

Example of evergreen blog content marketing

Certain types of content marketing are always popular.

Evergreen blog post content is one of them. It includes a lot of new content but doesn’t include any statistics, news stories, holiday shopping guides, or things that will go out of date. Instead, evergreen content includes things like:

  • Best of 
  • Listicles 
  • Reviews of products and services
  • “How to” blog posts
  • Video guides

So when creating new blog content shoot for evergreen topics that will be relevant even longer. This also helps for organic search.

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Example of Podcast Content Marketing

A great example of creating a podcast that allows you to leverage your existing content channels is a podcast called Marketing School with Neil Patel and Eric Siu.

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Unlike other podcasts, they’ve been able to tie in the services, and software they offer while educating and building a community of loyal followers. It’s a great podcast and you’ll learn a ton. So be sure to check it out.

Example of Paid Ad Content Marketing

Vimeo — a video hosting and streaming company – advertises on Facebook to build their audience and bring attention to new features they offer.

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The content ad offers a free downloadable guide, once you sign up for their email. The goal of this offer is to teach how to launch a video subscription service without having to hire a developer. This type of offer educates and sells in the same ad.

Example of video content marketing

Source: Moz

Moz’s video marketing is slightly distinct from that of other companies. Rather than attempting to sell anything, they utilize video to establish themselves as a thought leader in their industry.

On a monthly basis, Moz offers an educational video series called ‘Whiteboard Fridays.’ This is used by the presenter to pass on their expertise in all things SEO. By creating a regular program and drawing from the views of specialists, Moz has established itself as the go-to resource for all SEO inquiries.

The Moz team’s engagement in their series’ comments section is another aspect of their success. They’ve formed a fantastic connection with their audience, and if you leave a comment, you can count on getting an answer, which fosters repeat interaction.

Example of Infographic Content Marketing

Source: The Home Depot: Color Theory.

Do you want to learn how to accomplish anything in your house? Home Depot wants to be the solution for these sorts of problems.

Its color wheel infographic ensures that homeowners will get exactly what they need, while also educating them on color theory and design topics that they might not even be aware of (such as complementary and split complementary colors). It’s a perfect example of content marketing that hits on all cylinders.

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The takeaway: Home Depot’s content strategy features a variety of content types that are all designed to help the company achieve its business goals. By creating and distributing share-worthy content, Home Depot is able to reach new customers, generate leads, and increase sales.

Example of Social Media Content Marketing

When it comes to finding B2B content marketing examples that will get your company’s juices flowing, GE is a wonderful place to start.

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We’re not talking about washer-dryers and vacuum cleaners, but about the company’s other business: wind turbines, jet engines, locomotives, and so on.

This particular Instagram content marketing campaign from GE is an excellent illustration of how to bring what some may consider a boring business to something more engaging and interesting.

How to measure the success of your content marketing efforts

Measuring the success of your content efforts can be tricky, but it’s important to track your progress in order to determine whether or not your campaigns are effective.

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Some of the most common ways to measure the success of your content campaigns include:

Website traffic: Tracking the number of visitors to your website can help you determine the reach of your content campaigns.

Social media engagement: Tracking the number of likes, comments, and shares on your social media posts can help you gauge the engagement of your audience across the different distribution channels. As always, make sure you are posting engaging content.

Email subscribers: Tracking the number of email subscribers can help you determine the effectiveness of your content in driving leads and sales.

Sales: Tracking the number of sales generated by your content marketing campaigns and sales team can help you determine their ROI.

Brand awareness: Tracking the number of people who are aware of your brand can help you gauge the effectiveness of your content in driving brand awareness.

Content Marketing Tools

There are a number of different content marketing tools available, but these are some of the most commonly used. By using these tools, you can track your progress and make changes to your campaigns as needed.

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#1. Google Analytics: This is a free tool that can be used to track website traffic and engagement.

#2. Social media analytics: Most platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram offer built-in analytics tools that can be used to track engagement.

#3. Email marketing software: Email marketing software like Active Campaign or Constant Contact can be used to track email subscribers and engagement.

#4. Lead tracking software: Software like HubSpot or Keap can be used to track sales generated by your campaigns.

#5. Brand monitoring software: Software like Hootsuite or Mention can be used to track the reach of your content campaigns.

Wrapping it all together

Plan your content: Planning your content ahead of time can help you save time and ensure that your content is relevant and engaging.

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Write for your audience: It’s important to write for your target audience in order to ensure that your content is relevant and interesting to them.

Promote your content: Be sure to promote your content through social media, email marketing, and other channels in order to reach the widest audience possible.

Measure your results: Measuring your results is essential in order to determine the effectiveness of your content campaigns.

Make changes as needed: Be sure to make changes to your campaigns as needed in order to improve their effectiveness.


The goal of content marketing is to create and distribute content that will engage your audience and encourage them to take action. By using the tips and tools we’ve provided, you can create a successful content strategy that will help you reach your target audience and increase sales and revenue in 2022 and beyond.

So what’s your biggest takeaway? Where are you going to start with your content marketing strategy? We’d love to know. Be sure to head over to and join our community. We talk content marketing, digital marketing, distributing valuable content, and more!

Picture of Audra Carpenter
Audra Carpenter
Audra Carpenter has managed and launched multiple businesses across several different industries, in several different states.Since 2009, she has found her unmistakable place in the world of launching and scaling businesses online. After years of self-teaching, taking risks, and building new things, she launched zindo+co, which a virtual marketplace for launching, growing, and scaling a business online.

Every new adventure starts with the first step—and so does every new business. You’ve already taken the first step of your adventure by launching your business, now let’s take the next step together.

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