Flexible plans that grow with you

Create your event on the world’s largest and most trusted events marketplace. We’ve got everything you need to sell tickets, manage your events, and attract new attendees all in one place.


Host your event for free*

$0 per event

For up to 25 tickets

Host an unlimited number of events with up to 25 tickets

Send up to 250 marketing emails a day

Access all-in-one event ticketing and marketing tools

Pay per event

Pay as you go for full flexibility*

$9.99 per event

For up to 100 tickets

$24.99 per event for up to 250 tickets

$49.99 per event for unlimited tickets

Everything in Free, plus:

Pay from your ticket sales for no upfront costs

Host larger events and pay as you go

Subscribe and save

Save when hosting frequent events*

$29 per month

For up to 100 tickets

$79 per month for up to 250 tickets

$159 per month for unlimited tickets

Save 20%

when billed yearly

Everything in Flex, plus:

Host unlimited events with your monthly subscription

Send up to 10,000 marketing emails a day


Plans for large or complex paid events*


Unlimited tickets

Everything in Pro, plus:

No fees to publish

Custom Ticketing Fees

1:1 Custom onboarding

24/7 Chat support

Phone support


Easy ticketing

  • Custom event pages

  • Multiple ticket types

  • Custom registration forms

  • AI-powered content tools

  • Sell add-ons

Marketing tools

  • Email marketing

  • Facebook and Instragram ads

  • Eventbrite Ads

  • Promo codes

  • Organizer profile

Secure payments

  • Built-in payment processing

  • Pre-event payouts

  • Embedded checkout on your own website

  • Custom refund policy

Data insights

  • Sales dashboards

  • Traffic and conversion reporting

  • Smart audiences

  • Ad budget optimization

Event management

  • On-site check in with Organizer app

  • Waitlists

  • Team permissions

  • 3rd party integrations

  • Courses & video tutorials

Not sure which plan is best for you?

Use our calculator to explore the recommended plan for your needs, and discover how Eventbrite can boost your ticket sales.

Your #1 partner in event success

We put event management on auto-pilot, so you can focus on creating unforgettable experiences

Get discovered

Our powerful discovery platform automatically showcases your public events, connecting you with local event seekers looking for new experiences.

Build buzz

We help you build a loyal following by notifying your Eventbrite followers when you add new events. Also, ticket-buyers receive personalized event recommendations tailored to their interests and location through email and our app.

Engage attendees

Eventbrite ensures your attendees never miss a beat with event reminder emails, subscriber lists that auto-update with your past attendees, and cart abandonment emails so potential ticket-buyers never slip through the cracks.

** Eventbrite data 3/1/2022 - 9/30/2022 comparing events promoted both with and without marketing tools; creators must have hosted events with and without a subscription in the last 9 months.