It’s time to begin considering which hashtags to utilize on your social media calendar with Easter and Earth Day coming up in the month of April.
We’ve compiled a list of more than 175 hashtags for the April holidays and events that can be used on various social media platforms, including Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
You can choose from a variety of hashtags, ranging from celebratory and trendy Instagram hashtags like #hoppyeaster and #savetheplanet to weather-related ones like #aprilshowers.

No matter what you’re sharing on social media, there is a hashtag available to suit the occasion.
Whether you’re discussing Black Women’s History Month or sharing a Spring promotion, it’s essential to use at least one of these hashtags to increase the reach of your status updates.
You may use hashtags like #contest or #giveaway to promote engagement if you’re running a competition or promotion.

- #administrativeprofessionalsday
- #april
- #april2023
- #aprilchallenge
- #aprildays
- #aprilfavorites
- #aprilflowers
- #aprilfools
- #aprilgoals
- #aprillove
- #aprilmood
- #aprilphotochallenge
- #aprilshowers
- #aprilvibes
- #autismawarenessmonth
- #batappreciationday
- #bicycleday
- #blackhistory
- #blackhistorymonth
- #blackwomenlead
- #blackwomenleaders
- #blackwomenshistory
- #climateaction
- #climateactionnow
- #climatechange
- #danceday
- #dayofsilence
- #denimday
- #earthday
- #earthday2023
- #earthdayeveryday
- #earthdayiseveryday
- #earthmonth
- #easter
- #easter2023
- #easterbest
- #easterfun
- #easterholidays
- #easterishere
- #eastermonday
- #easterspecial
- #eastertime
- #easterweekend
- #findarainbowday
- #flowers
- #flowerseason
- #flowersinbloom
- #funatworkday
- #getaway
- #gettoknowyourcustomersday
- #gogreen
- #goodfriday
- #happyapril
- #happyearthday
- #happyeaster
- #happyeaster2023
- #happyeastereveryone
- #heisrisen
- #helloapril
- #hellospring
- #holythursday
- #holyweek
- #hoppyeaster
- #husbandappreciationday
- #infertilityawarenessweek
- #jazzday
- #leaders
- #lesbianvisibilityday
- #loveanimals
- #lovemypet
- #lovemypets
- #loversday
- #lovespring
- #monthofthemilitarychild
- #nationalbeerday
- #nationalburritoday
- #nationaldolphinday
- #nationalpetday2023
- #nationalpetmonth
- #nationalsiblingsday
- #nationalsuperheroday
- #nationalunicornday
- #nationalwalkingday
- #needavacation
- #palmsunday
- #passover
- #petlover
- #petsarefamily
- #petsarefamilytoo
- #petsareforlife
- #petsarethebest
- #petsforlife
- #petsoftheworld
- #picnicday
- #planetearth
- #plantlover
- #purpleup
- #savetheearth
- #savetheplanet
- #schoolsout
- #scrabbleday
- #spring
- #spring2023
- #springblooms
- #springbreak
- #springbreak2023
- #springbreakadventures
- #springbreakaway
- #springbreakers
- #springbreakfun
- #springbreakready
- #springbreakvacation
- #springbreakvibes
- #springcolors
- #springday
- #springdays
- #springequinox
- #springfeeling
- #springflower
- #springfloweringbulbs
- #springflowers
- #springflowersmakemehappy
- #springgarden
- #springgardens
- #springhascome
- #springhassprung
- #springiscoming
- #springisfinallyhere
- #springishere
- #springisintheair
- #springismyfavorite
- #springisnear
- #springissprung
- #springlove
- #springtime
- #springvibes
- #springweather
- #stressawarenessmonth
- #takeyourkidstoworkday
- #taxday
- #tulipseason
- #vacay
- #visionaries
- #vitamincday
- #volunteerweek
- #weekoftheyoungchild
- #welcomeapril
- #womenlead
- #womenshistory
- #worldautismawarenessday
- #worldearthday
- #worldhealthday
- #worldimmunizationweek
- #worldpenguinday
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